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I woke up to the sound of repeated beeping, like one of the heart monitors in a hospital. It was repetitive and annoying. I tried to open my eyes, but hissed as the brightest of lights shined in my eyes, causing me to quickly close my eyes all together.

"Someone shut that damned light off," I snapped and I heard the sound of shuffling, then a light switch being flicked off. Then I felt someone at my side, grabbing my hand. From the coolness of the hand, and the large size I knew who it was before the person even spoke.

"Please, open your eyes, Angel Eyes. I need to see those baby blues. I need to know you're alright," said the familiar gruff voice of my mate. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times as I tried to get my eyes to adjust to the little bit of light streaming into the room from outside the room. I tried to turn my head to look at my boyfriend, but found it was difficult and I began to worry. What had happened? Why couldn't I move my neck?

"Emmett?" I spoke softly, my voice cracking a little.

"I'm right here, babe," soon Emmett's head was in my line of sight. Even though he still looked like he could be a walking Abercrombie or Calvin Klein model, he looked pretty terrible.

To the outside, he probably was still the most beautiful thing to ever grace someone's presence, but to me, someone who knew him, he was awful. His eyes were black, not that usual gold, they were sad and depressed. His short hair was a tousled mess. His normally always pale skin, seemed even paler. I felt horrible that my boyfriend was such a mess because of me. Though I couldn't really remembered what had happened.

"What happened?" I questioned my mate, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You were attacked by that vampire," flashes of the incident began to hit me and I remembered. Alejandro, the Spanish vampire had attacked me after swim practice because of my blood, "I tried to save you and in the end I did obviously, but he roughed you up pretty badly so I had to run you to Carlisle. You lost so much blood...I was so scared, Ezra. I thought I had lost you...there was so much blood," Emmett's voice was broken and he looked torn as he stared off past me, "I almost lost you and it was all my fault."

"Emmett," I said softly, reaching up with the hand that didn't have a cast on it and I stroked the side of his face gently, "I'm here. I'm alive because of you," my tone was firm as I spoke, "If it weren't for you, I'd be dead. He was going to kill me, but you saved me. It wasn't your fault. Sometimes shit happens and there isn't anyway we can stop it. This is one of those times. I never doubted once that you wouldn't get to me in time, and you did. I'm here now. I'm alive and kicking. Thanks to you."

Emmett looked down at me, his face slowly morphing into a half smile. It wasn't my normal Emmett grin that I loved so much, but I decided to accept as I knew he was still pretty shaken by the incident. He looked me in the eyes and I studied every detail I could of those dark eyes. I tapped Emmett's cheek twice with my thumb, and I'm pretty sure he understood what I wanted because he began to lean down. His lips met mine a second later and I sighed in satisfaction at the feeling. It wasn't a deep kiss, but it still sent that burning feeling inside of me. Like my whole body was on fire. It was magical that kiss was.

A knock at the door interrupted our moment. Emmett quickly pulled away from me, and I turned my head to see Carlisle standing in the doorway, a small smile of amusement on his face.

"Glad to see you're alive and well," Carlisle said as he stepped into the room, a clipboard in his hand, "How are you feeling?"

"Like I was ran over by a bus 3 times," I shrugged casually as I looked at Carlisle, flashing a small smile, "Am I gonna live, Doc?" I joked. Emmett growled beside me and I rolled my eyes.

Changes {Emmett Cullen} Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz