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After practice had finally ended, I was in the locker room showering. Everyone had already left. I normally showered after everyone had already due to not wanting to get into shit with some of the other guys on the team. I may have been the captain of the swim team, but that didn't stop people from giving me shit.

After I had showered, I walked out into the locker room and quickly put my clothes on. I had already put my pants, socks, and shoes on. I was in the process of putting my shirt on when I heard a loud BANG! like the sound of someone slamming on lockers.

I quickly spun around and looked around quickly.

"Hello?" I called, frowning deeply as I held my shirt close to my chest. I heard it again this time from behind me and I spun around again, "Emmett, this isn't funny," I frowned, crossing my arms against my chest.

"I am not Emmett," said an unfamiliar voice from behind me. I spun around again and my eyes widened as I looked into a pair of unfamiliar red eyes. I knew this was a vampire. I vaguely remembered Carlisle mentioning something to me about red eyed vampires before. This vampire was obviously of some type of Spanish heritage. He had an accent when he spoke. His hair was jet black, glossy, and curly. He smirked silently at me as his head tilted slightly, "You smell wonderful. I had almost thought I was hallucinating such a delectable scent when I was passing by."

"Who are you?" I questioned, trying to remain calm at the sight of the unknown vampire.

"They call me Alejandro. But you will not have the chance to say my name," before I could respond, I was slammed into a locker. I grunted as my back hit the hard, cool metal. I knew that was going to leave a bruise. Alejandro leaned in and inhaled deeply, "You smell absolutely amazing. It will be a shame to drain you dry."

I shivered as I felt Alejandro's nose rubbed against my neck. I bit my lower lip as I tried to keep in my screams.

"You smell like vampire as well. But you are not one. That must mean you spend time with them," I could hear the smirk in Alejandro's voice, "Tell me, Young Human. Who is this vampire to you?" Alejandro lifted his head and looked at me. I didn't respond, as I glared at him.

"Fuck you," I spat angrily. The vampire growled and pulled me away from the lockers and tossed me across the way into another set of lockers. I groaned as my head and back slammed against the lockers. I closed my eyes and let out a groan. God, Emmett, where are you?

"You will learn to respect your superiors, Human," Alejandro growled as he approached me. He tossed one of the benches out of his path and across the room. He knelt down in front of me, he grabbed my arm and twisted my wrist.

"Shit!" I screamed as he continued to twist, before snapping my wrist.

"Now tell me! Who is this vampire to you?! Tell me! TELL ME!" He growled as he continued to twist my wrist and I could literally feel every bone breaking.

"My boyfriend!" I screamed and Alejandro stopped his assault on my wrist and he looked at me with surprised eyes before a smirk settled on his face.

"Boyfriend? A vampire dating a human?" Alejandro laughed at this and he shook his head, "I can't wait for him to come and try and save you. It will be fun seeing what kind of vampire he is."

"He'll kick your ass," I snarled at Alejandro, my glare remaining even as I clutched my broken wrist to my chest.

"He could try," Alejandro laughed, "But sadly you won't be alive to witness it," he launched himself at me and I went to let out a scream but his hand wrapped around my neck. He squeezed and I could feel my airways being blocked off, "Try and scream. Do it! I want him to hear you beg me for mercy! Scream! Scream!" Alejandro's free hand found its way to my leg and squeezed harshly, his nails digging in to the skin.

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