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So the good news. It looked like the only wolves present were Sam, and maybe Paul. Bad news, Paul looked like he was 0.5 seconds away from blowing up. He was red in the face, and you could see the vein in the side of his neck popping out. It was actually a funny look on him.

He kept looking at me, and Sam kept whispering to him which caused him to look away. Then his eyes would find their way back to me again. I was starting to get tired of this endless game of stare then look away. It was like a staring match, or a game of chicken that only he was playing.

"What his problem?" I asked Leah Clearwater, glancing over at her. As soon as I walked through the door, Leah and I gravitated toward each other.

Maybe because neither of us could stand anyone else here, besides her brother Seth and sometimes Jacob Black. Though Jacob was too busy pouting because Bella Swan didn't show up. Seriously, as if this kid had a chance. From what I've seen Bella was infatuated with my vampire brother.

I mean, I couldn't blame her, in some ways, Edward was attractive. That is if one was into tall, lanky, messy haired vampires in need of a serious attitude adjustment sometimes. Yeah, I'm allowed to say that since he's my brother.

My phone vibrated, bringing me from my thoughts. I was quick to put it from my pocket and looked down to see a text from Emmett.

Emmy-Bear<3: Hey babe, just checking in. I hate that Alice can't see you right now. How am I supposed to know if I have to come down there and bash some dog skulls?

I snorted and rolled my eyes before replying to my boyfriend's text.

Me: let me put your mind to rest then, bc there isn't any need for skull bashing tonight. Sorry to disappoint, babe <3

Emmy-Bear<3: Aw damn :( I was really hoping there would be. There goes my night. Everything's okay then?

Me: as okay as can be. I've just been talking to Leah and Seth Clearwater most of the night. I don't think they're wolves, they're not giving me death glares like Paul is.

Emmy-Bear<3: Who's Paul? I don't like that he's glaring at you. You're not near him right?

I rolled my eyes at Emmett's protectiveness. Sometimes, it was cute. And other times, times like this, it was completely unnecessary.

Me: i'm fine, Em. He's not even trying to talk to me so I can assure you, all is well. I think he knows

Emmy-Bear<3: Of course he knows. Sam probably told him. Just be careful, okay?

Me: I will

Emmy-Bear<3: Good, I'll see you later then. Be safe, Angel Eyes.

Me: I will. You do the same, Polar Bear.

I went to put my phone away when it vibrated yet again.

Emmy-Bear<3: Oh hey, Ezra.

Me: Yes, Emmett?

Emmy-Bear<3: I love you.

I smiled at that, rereading the text over and over. No matter how many times we said the words, it still sent butterflies to my stomach. He loved me. I felt like I was complete just reading those words.

Me: I love you too.

Emmy-Bear<3: Alright, have fun, babe! Be safe.

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