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Ezra's POV

I sat with Jasper in our American History class. He was stiff beside me, his eyes focused on the board ahead. I could tell from his tensed stature that he was struggling with his control. I looked at my brother in all but blood, frowning slightly.

"Jazz?" I whispered softly, knowing he would hear me. Jasper turned to look at me, a single eyebrow raising slightly, "You okay?"

"I'm fine, Ezra. Don't worry," his accent was strong as he spoke, and I frowned again knowing he was lying.

Jasper was usually good with keeping the Southern twang out of his voice except in times when he was struggling. I had noticed that in my two years of being an unofficial member of his family. I rolled my eyes silently at his insistence that he was alright while I pulled my sweatshirt off. I set it down on Jasper's desk, purposefully bringing it in front of his face as I set it down. I noticed him slowly relax, he slouched slightly and inhaled deeply.

My scent was special to my family. They insisted I smelled good, but not in an appetizing way. They said I smelled like home. Which was why I knew how to calm Jasper down. Other than Alice, Jasper's mate, I was one of the only ones able to calm him down.

"Thank you," Jasper said quietly and I nodded my head at my brother. I leaned my head against my desk, closing my eyes slowly, "Are you tired?" I opened my eyes to see Jasper looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Only a little. I was up late last night studying with Emmett for the Chemistry test," I mumbled and I heard Jasper snicker.

"Studying. That's what we're calling it?" Jasper smirked at me.

"You seriously need to stop hanging out with Emmett and Marshall," I rolled my eyes, sitting up a little. Jasper chuckled and shrugged casually.

"You spend more time with Emmett than I do. I haven't seen my brother in forever," Jasper looked at me with that half smile of his and I rolled my eyes again.

"That's a lie. He was just with you last week when the fucking sun wouldn't go away," I mumbled dryly.

This caused Jasper to laugh mildly at me. Last week had to be one of the sunniest weeks ever in Forks history. The sun refused to go down and so I spent all day in school and most of my afternoon by myself, without Emmett by my side. I saw him at night, but normally I would be exhausted from the days activity so he'd just hold me while I slept.

"I'm only teasing, Ezra," Jasper chuckled as he reached out to ruffle my hair. I rolled my eyes. What is it with the guys in my life ruffling my hair?

When the bell rang, Jasper was out of his seat in a flash. He remained standing by it while I gathered my books, shoving them into my backpack. Jasper handed me my sweatshirt and I put it on. I slung my bag over my shoulder and followed my brother out of the classroom.

"You eating lunch with us today?" Jasper asked, looking over at me. I shook my head as we walked down the hall to the cafeteria.

"No, I promised Eric, Mike, and Angela I'd help them with their Biology homework. I remember those days, Bio was a struggle. Those poor kids," I shook my head dramatically and Jasper snorted.

"You're not much older than they are," Jasper smiled down at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Just because you're ancient doesn't mean you have the right to judge me, Jasper," I glared at my brother who just chuckled lowly at me. I saw Alice come into view and she waved happily at me. I returned my sister's bright smile and looked at my brother, "Get away from me, Blondie."

"We'll see you later, Ezra," Jasper smiled at me before walking towards Alice, who grabbed his hand and danced away from me. I shook my head as I walked to the cafeteria.

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