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Robin groaned as he sat on the couch in Mount Justice, awaiting Batman's arrival. The whole team was assembled and waiting for the monotone voice of the Zeta tube to announce the Dark Knight.

"Where is he?" grumbled Kid Flash, who was sitting next to Robin, munching on burned cookies. "I don't know. He should be here any second now."
Wally rolled his eyes and huffed. "You said the exact same thing twenty minutes ago!"
Sighing, Robin turned to glare at his best friend, "Then you surely realise that I have no idea what's taking him so long."
Wally crossed his arms. "But it's so-"
He was interrupted by the Zeta tube. "Recognized: Batman 02".
"Finally!" cried Wally, jumping off of the couch, hitting his friend in the head accidentally.
Robin chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, standing up as well.

They met Batman in the commission room, Wally jumping up and down impatiently. "I am sorry I'm late, I had business to attend to." The team gathered around the older man and waited eagerly for him to continue. "I have a mission for all of you, except for Robin."
He looked at his protege briefly. "I need you to come to Germany with me, a business associate requested our help. As for the rest of you-" he said, turning his attention back to the team, "The Joker plans on attacking Gotham's wealthiest. I have heard he will try and attack Wayne Manor. Mr. Wayne has donated a great sum to the Justice League and therefore we owe him our protection. He has left the country on a business trip and his butler is visiting a friend of his in New Zealand, but his four sons are still in Gotham. You will move to Wayne Manor and protect them until the Joker is in custody again."

Robin almost choked on his own spit and Wally tried to contain his laughter (not very successfully). Robin glared at him. The actual hell? This wasn't the first time a psychopath was trying to kidnap him, but sending the team?! Had Batman lost his mind?

Robin scowled at Batman, but the man pointedly ignored him. "The Joker is not to underestimate. He is one of the most dangerous villains I have ever encountered. He is unpredictable and therefore even more dangerous. You have only encountered him briefly, but beware, you will be in Gotham, his home turf. If something goes terribly wrong, you contact me."
Aqualad nodded, but Artemis seemed sceptical, crossing her arms tightly. "Isn't that a job for the police?" Robin could understand her argument, but seriously, questioning Batman? Not her smartest move, especially not when the Joker was involved.

Batman shook his head. "No. The police is unequipped for capturing the Joker. He managed to escape too many times, not to mention that half the GCPD is corrupt. Innocent lives are at stake. Protecting the children is your priority. Do you understand me?"

The team nodded and Artemis lowered her head. "Good. Go pack your things, you will be staying at Wayne Manor from now on. Robin, stay with me. We have a lot to discuss." Now that's the understatement of the year. The chance of the team discovering their secret identities was too great with them staying at the Manor! What was Batman thinking?!

Robin waited until everyone exited the room, before turning to Batman and yelling, "What the heck?!"
The older man rubbed his temples. "I received a letter this morning, from the Joker." He pulled a paper out of his utility belt. "Here." Dick took the letter and opened it.

My dear Brucy,
I hope you don't mind sharing your precious money, do you?
Well, it honestly doesn't matter whether you do or not, because I will just take it anyw- No! I have an idea!! Hahaha! Why won't you just give me the money?
Money, money, money, must be funny, it's a rich men's world.
Yes, yes, Brucy, I know. Why would you give me your money, you have no reason, yada, yada, yada. Easy: I will just kidn- no, that's a bad word, I don't like bad words. Bad words are bad. Hehe, you get it? I will... hang out with your sons for some time, that sounds better, doesn't it? Well, bye bye. See you soon.
In love, the Joker.
Hahahahahaha! *couch*
Eh... cough. Wait, how is it written??
Sorry, I caught a cold somewhere.

Robin raised his eyebrows. "Brucy?"
"Shut it, Dick."
Robin chuckled and folded the paper. "Whatever. I guess we are not going to Germany then?"
"Actually, I do have to go to Germany, even if I don't like leaving you alone at times like this, but it is necessary. I know you don't like this, but I am not discussing this with you.
I do not need to tell you to keep your identities a sectret, do I?"
Robin rolled his eyes. "I understand, but we can take care of ourselves. We don't need the team to protect us!" So not feeling the aster. They were bats, for God's sake, they didn't need babysitters.

Batman scowled. "This is not up for debate, not after what happened to Jason. We just got him back and I will not lose another son, do you understand?" Robin flinched slightly. Jason's death and the circumstances of his resurrection were still fresh in his mind. Jason had finally come back to the Manor, but his relationship with Bruce (with all of them) was still rocky. "Whatever. This time, no one will die." Bruce captured Dick's eyes with his. "Make sure of that."

A/N: Soo, the first chapter. What do you think?

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