Chapter eleven

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Bruce sighed deeply. The team, Barbara, Tim and Damian had gathered in the Batcave, everyone suited up and ready to go.

"We need a plan. If we go for a frontal attack, than we will easily be outnumbered and the Joker will just leave through a backdoor." He pointed at the map the Bat-computer was showing. "Considering that the warehouse is near the docks, we can make sure that none of Joker's thugs get away."
"I can prevent any of them get even near the water," volunteered Aqualad and Batman nodded in approval. "Take someone with you, it's too dangerous for you alone."
"I'll go," said Wally, raising his hand.
"No, we need you to find Dick and Jason," decided Batman, shaking his head. Aqualad looked at Artemis who nodded. "I'll stay with Aqualad."
"But-" Wally was interrupted by Batman. "Yes. The rest of you will go in two groups, Kid Flash, Red Robin and Miss Martian will search the northern part of the warehouse and Superboy, Batgirl and Robin the southern." Damian frown. "And what will you do?"
"I'll go after the Joker."
"He managed to escape Ahkram many times. Maybe you should put him somewhere else," pointed Aqualad out, frowning slightly.

Batman shook his head, deep in thoughts. "But we can't put him in any ordinary prison and I definitively won't kill him, so what other option do we have?" Aqualad's eyes widened slightly and a small smile appeared on his lips as an idea struck him. "Atlantis."
"We have prison cells filled with air in Atlantis. It would be perfect for him. The Joker won't be able to break out, because the cells are surrounded by water." Batman seemed to consider Aqualad's proposal for a second and then he nodded. "Fine. Then let's go, it's time to get the boys back and put the Joker behind bars for good."

That's when the Bat-computer started to bleep. Batman groaned in annoyance. "Who the hell is video-calling me now?!" He stomped over to the beeping object and pressed a button. The screen flickered to life and the team stiffed at the white-plastered face that grinned at the camera.

"Joker," growled Batman darkly, clenching his fists. He didn't miss the red color that stained his purple suit. How had he hacked into his system? Or had he somehow gotten Batman's number?

Next to Bruce, Batgirl was glaring at the captor of her boyfriend. "What the hell did you do to Robin?" She was beyond furious and Bruce shuddered inwardly as he remembered the last time Barbara was furious at Jason- he had been in a body cast for weeks.

The Joker cackled. "My, my, somebody has a temper."
"Screw you," grumbled Tim. "She asked you a question." The Joker raised his eyebrows. "You should really watch your tongue, little boy, considering that I have your brothers at my mercy."

Damian gritted his teeth and Barbara punched the table, the screens shaking. "What the hell do you want?" The Joker seemed to be thinking for a moment. "Good question. I want a lot of things; a new suit, more hair dye for free- it's really expensive, you know-, I want a nice little villa at the beach somewhere on Hawaii, I want the next episodes of my favorite show to finally be released, I wa-"
"Stop playing around, Joker," growled Batman, giving him his famous Bat-glare, but Joker just shrugged it off. "Don't be such a spoilsport, Batsy... or should I say Bruce?"

The team stiffed and Batman narrowed his eyes. "You didn't call just to chit-chat, now did you?"
The Joker pouted. "Oh, come on! Don't say you didn't miss me. You know, I was really surprised to find out who your brats really are." He cackled. "You should have seen Hood's face when he saw my little bird's scars. It was really delightful! And Robin's reaction when I told him what beautiful sound Jay made just before I blew him up. Did you know that he is still angry with you for not saving him? I'm disappointed, kiddo, deeply disappointed." Batman stiffed, ignoring the fact that the Joker had just called him kiddo. He knew that Jason was still... unhappy with him, But did the Joker really need to know that?

Batgirl, who looked ready to explode, gripped the edges of the table, her knuckles turning white. "Just tell us what you want, or we will end the call." She sounded dangerously calm, but a fire was buring inside her eyes. The Joker sighed. "Another spoilsport, great. I just wanted to show you something, that's all."

He stepped aside and Batgirl held back a choked sob. Dick and Jason were hanging from chains, feet barely touching the ground and both unconscious. Barbara didn't want to take a closer look at them- especially Dick- but she forced herself to do it anyways, they needed to know how lethal their injuries were.

Dick was covered in blood, his clothes torn and stained with red. His head hang low and his hair covered his pale face. He was still breathing, but it was shallow and ragged and Barbara guessed he had injured his lungs and a few broken ribs. He seemed to be shivering and she could see his breath coming out in soft clouds. Barbara's breath hitched and she felt a piercing pain in her palms and she realised that she was clenching her fists too hard and that her nails were drawing blood.

It felt like her insides was slowly freezing and her heart covered in ice. She started shivering, unable to hide it. Why would someone do that to her Dick? Seeing him so bloody and broken was like a knife stabbing her heart rapidly.

She shifted her gaze to Jason. He didn't look much better, his face was covered in bruises- most likely from a crowbar- and he had blood running down the corner of his mouth. His bangs covered his eyes and were coated in blood, the white streaks shining in a dark red colour. He looked like he had a few broken bones in his arms and legs and broken ribs, too.

Next to her, Batman was ready to tear apart the man who had obviously tortured his sons. He would do anything for Dick, Jason, Damian and Tim, they were his everything, his light in the dark, his lifeline and his soul.

"What do you want?" he growled deeply. The Joker laughed cruelly. "Well Batsy, you see, I want you. It was always just about you, Batman." Bruce slammed his fist on the table in an uncharacteristic fit of rage. "Just give me a straight answer."

"Meet me at the docks at 9 pm. Then I'll tell you what I want from you." He cackled again. "And if you decide not to show up or defy my conditions, I'll make sure that your sons won't live to see the next day." Then the Joker ended the call, leaving the Batcave in silence.

"The plan still stands," said Batman darkly, turning to the team. "Joker doesn't know that we have discovered where he is holding Dick and Jason, so we have the element of surprise."
Damian looked troubled. "He'll kill you."
"Then so be it. If I have to die to save Jason and Dick, I will."
He didn't see the angry, and quickly wiped away, tear that ran down Damian's cheek.
A/N: The last time, Batman was too late, but who will die this time around?

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