Chapter three

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The team hadn't expected the four brothers to argue over every little film detail. It was actually quite entertaining.

"That's a light blue!"
"No! It's turquoise!"
"Are you blind?! That's green!"
Kaldur once tried to break up the fight, but only received four different kind of glares.
"A bõ-staff would be a better weapon!"
"No, a sword would be much more affective!"
"Are you dumb? He should use a gun, duh!"
"Don't talk about things you don't understand, Demon Spawn!"
"I have more experience than all of you together!"
"You are just a little brat!"
"Am not, Zombie Boy!"
"Are, too!"
"Am not!"
And this went on throughout the whole movie.

After the movie, no one wanted to go to bed just yet, so Megan suggested to play truth or dare. Since it was already late at night and they didn't want to wake anyone in the neighbourhood, they decided that they would play without dare, because that would defenitifly end in utter chaos.

"So, we just ask each other questions?"
Wally nodded. "And no skipping." Everyone agreed.

"Kaldur," began Dick, "do you have gills?" Everybody burst out laughing and Aqualad blushed a scarlet red. What kind of question was that?! "Yes, I do," he muttered, his face resting in his hands.

"Damian, which one of your brothers is the most annoying?" He didn't know why he asked a question that would certainly lead to more fighting.
Damian smirked. "Well, Jason is the asshole, Dick's the spoilsport and Tim the nerd. All of them are annoying." Before anyone could stop them, Dick, Jason and Tim tried to jump on top of their brother, but Damian did a backflip over Tim's head and the boys crashed into each other, rolling over the floor, cussing and with flailing limps.
So, Damian could do backflips, huh...

The young boy was grinning victorious, while the others tried to disentangle themselves. "I swear, if I get my hands on you..." threatened Jason, but Damian only snort. "Then what? Father forbid you to kill anyone."
Wait, what?! Kaldur could understand why they had to learn how to defend themselves, after all, this was Gotham, but things just got more and more suspicious.

Jason grumbled something under his breath and Damian rolled his eyes. "Wally, which one of the Young Justice team is the most reckless?" Wally made a thinking face, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth.
"Well, Conner or Robin. Our bird tends to overestimate himself."
To the teams confusion, Jason, Tim and Damian burst out laughing, while Dick groaned and hid his burning face in his hands. Wally shrugged, ignoring the strange behaviour of the brothers. Wally was acting strange, too. Kaldur couldn't exactly say what it was, but something was going on.

"Well, Jason. Which Gotham villain do you dislike the most?" Jason stiffed and Wally instantly regretted his question. Damn it, he really couldn't keep his mouth shut. "The Joker," answered Jason through gritted teeth. "I hate the Joker." There was a moment of silence, before Jason turned to Tim.

"What is your favorite stuffed animal's name?" Tim lunged at Jason, stumbling over Dick in the process. "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!"
"Oops, I forgot," grinned Jason, sarcasm dripping from every word.
Dick quickly locked his arms around Tim to keep him back.
"Just pick the next one, Tim." The coffee addicted teen glared at Jason, but relented.

"Fine. Conner, what's your favorite colour?" Jason groaned. "Boring!"
Conner ignored the comment and shrugged nonchalantly. "Black, I guess."

He looked at Dick. "Why did you leave the circus?" Conner hadn't meant to, but he'd hit a nerve. No one spoke and the tension grew with every passing second. Everyone looked warily at Dick, who had a guarded look on his face. "Sorry," muttered Conner, realising that he's said something wrong. Without saying a word, Dick stood up and left. The Kryptonian was hit with a strong sense of guilt, even if he didn't know what he'd done wrong. "I didn't mean to-"
"It's late," said Tim, daring anyone to contradict. "We should go to bed."
Artemis was having trouble sleeping, her thoughts keeping her awake. She looked at the clock. 01:35 am. She groaned and turned in the bed, closing her eyes. A lot had happened today, not just Dick and Jason trying to kill each other.

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