Chapter one

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Dick and his brothers were sitting around the breakfast table, all in a gloomy mood. They didn't need protection, they were very much able to defend themselves.

"When will they arrive?" grumbled Jason, annoyance tinging his words as he played with his food. The boy was sitting crossed-legged on his chair, pouting slightly. Dick shrugged. "One to two hours. Wally had trouble at home, something about a blue kangaroo, I think." Tim looked questioningly at his older brother. "A blue kangaroo?" Dick shrugged again, chewing on his fork. "Don't ask me."

Damian stabbed his eggs so hard, he almost broke the plate. "I can take care of myself. I do not need some teenagers to babysit me. I am an al Ghul and the blood son of Batman!"
Jason snort dryly. "The arrogant brat is not wrong, though. Why does Bruce insist on the team staying over?"

Dick rubbed his temples and groaned. It was only morning and his brothers were already giving him a headache. "You know damn well why Bruce insists on having them here." Jason glared at his plate, a dark look crossing his face. Dick closed his eyes in regret. Bringing up Jason's death was a bad idea.

Damian continued attacking his scrambled eggs and Dick leaned back in his seat. They continued to eat in silence.
Then Damian, with no warning whatsoever, grabbed his plate and threw it right in Jason's face.

Dick groaned and let his head fall into his hands, his temples throbbing. Great, just great. Jason took a moment to realise what'd just happened and then he slowly stood up, glaring daggers at Damian. "You little brat! You're so dead!" Damian scoffed, a challenging flare in his eyes, and ran out of the kitchen, Jason hot on his heels. Tim didn't even look up from his bacon. "Idiots," he muttered. Dick silently agreed.

He sighed and ran after his brothers, trying to stop Jason from killing Damian and vice versa. He heard a loud crash from Damian's room. He charged through the door and groaned again at the sight that greeted him. He seemed to be groaning a lot lately.

Jason was on top of Damian, who had thrown a glass off his nightstand, whilst struggling against his older brother. Dick grabbed Jason and pulled him off of the junior-assassin and out of the younger boy's room. He grasped him by the collar and pushed the younger boy against the wall.

"Get off me, Dickhead!" Dick pressed his arm against Jason's chest harder, an annoyed scowl on his face. "Only if you stop attacking Dami." Jason glared at him and a movement behind Dick cought his attention. Damian had come out of his room and stuck his tongue out at Jason, then he turned around and ran down the corridor. "You little shit!" yelled Jason, headbutting Dick, and chasing after Damian.

Dick growled in exasperation and rested his head against the wall. There was no use in trying to stop Jason. Damian just had to look after himself. He headed back to the kitchen, where Tim was waiting for him. "Let me guess, you couldn't do a thing." Dick rolled his eyes. "Yeah." His younger bother pointed at the forming bump on his forehead. "You might wanna put some ice on that."

Two hours later, in which Damian had received a bloody nose and Jason a black eye, the doorbell rung.

1/2 hour earlier with the team:

Everybody was seated in the Bio-Ship, ready to go. They had waited hours for Wally to arrive, but the speedster was late as usual.

Wally had solved his blue kangaroo problem and Miss Martian started the ship. Superboy raised his eyebrows at Wally. "So, a blue kangaroo?" Wally blushed. "It wasn't my fault! I didn't open the portal." Superboy frowned and glanced at the red-head from where he was seated in the alien ship. "Portal?"
"Yes, the kangaroo was from another earth." Conner blinked. "Oh, okay, whatever. So, how do you think this mission will go?"

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