Chapter ten

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Four days. Four days since Dick and Jason had been kidnapped and four days since they last saw each other.

Dick moaned quietly as a sharp pain erupted in his side. The Joker had been kicking and punching him for what felt like hours now. "Again, Boy Blunder, where is she?!" Another kick to his side and Dick yelped in pain as he heard a rib crack. He glared at Joker and spat, "How many times do I have to say it before you finally get it through that thick skull of yours? I DON'T KNOW!"

Blood splattered across the stone walls as the villain punched the teenage boy in the face. Dick grunted, but didn't say anything else. Apparently, Harley had been missing since the day the Joker had kidnapped them and now he was looking for his queen (though he had been the one to leave her in the first place).

Dick smirked, blood running down the corner of his mouth. "And here I was, thinking you didn't care for her. Maybe she finally realized that you are just using her and moved on." A punch to his solar plexus left him gasped for air and coughing up blood. Again. This was really getting old.

He glared at the scarred face in front of him and pushed himself in a sitting position. The Joker put his boot on Dick's chest and forced him down again. The teen struggled, but couldn't get the Joker off of him, not in his weakened state. "I will ask you one more time," the villain threatened quietly, "Where is Harley?"

Dick kept silent. He had no idea where the hell Harley was, but the Joker didn't seem to believe him (which was stupid, 'cause he had been stuck here this whole time!)

"Where does the Young Justice keep their prisoners?" Dick snort, though it sounded somewhat painful. "We don't take prisoners. We are not like you." A punch to the side if his head. Dick groaned. Why was everything spinning? Man, did Joker's face look strange... why did he have two noses? Black dots danced in front of his eyes and he had trouble staying conscious. "If you don't give me answers-" snarled the cold voice of the Joker next to his ear and Dick shivered as his breath touched his skin, "Then I will just have to ask your brother."

It was like a cold hand squeezed Dick's heart as he heard those words. "No," he mumbled, but it was too late, the Jester of Genocide had already left the cell and a tear ran down Dick's cheek as he finally welcomed the darkness.

Jason wasn't sure weather he was conscious or not, every now and then, he heard voices somewhere outside his cell, but then darkness would claim him again and the next time Jason came to, the voices were gone. And the worst thing; he couldn't see. No matter how hard he tried, he wasn't able to see anything, not even his own hand. It was pitch-plack and Jason felt confined, like... like he was trapped, trapped in a small box six feet under.

He tired to calm his racing heart. Don't panic, he inwardly scolded himself. Bruce had thought him better. Concentrate on your other senses. He listened to any sounds in- and outside the cell, but was greeted with silence. Great, I can't see, nor hear anything. Just astrous. Oh God, now I sound like Dick. And I am talking to myself. I am going crazy!

The creak of a door pulled him out of his thoughts. Jason wasn't sure weather to be relieved or not, because he would have started discussing the pros and cons of Wally's and Artemis' relationship if he was left by himself any longer, but the opening of the door normally meant pain, so... hard choice.

Jason tried to push himself off the ground, but he realized that he couldn't move. His breath hitched as he started to panic even harder. He tried to open his mouth, but he wasn't able to do that either. Well, that explains why I can't see anything. I have my eyes closed. Great observation skills, Jason. And I'm talking to myself again. Urgh! As the typical mad laugh hit his ears, Jason wanted to cover them, but his muscles wouldn't listen. What was happening? Why can't he move, damn it?!

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