Chapter Four

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My eyes fell to the ground, I couldn't go with Luke and Serena, that was the only way the fighting would end— for me to stay here and do my time. Before I could say anything though, a voice beat me to the chase.

"This ends now." A low voice announced from right behind me.

I flinched and turned around slowly to come face to face with none other than,


And he did not look happy.


Serena changed aim and shakily trained her gun on Azrael. Her hand was wavering almost as much as her resolve, Serena's brave front was crumbling before our eyes.

"Don't you move another step." She warned.

Azrael did the exact opposite, taking exactly one step closer to me while at the same time Emmanuel crept quietly closer to Serena and Luke. She quickly flew her aim back onto Emmanuel as he neared too close for comfort before directing her aim once more to Azrael.

She didn't know who to threaten or who was the more immediate threat, that much was clear.

Azrael clamped a hand on my shoulder, tugging me backwards and into his chest where he wrapped his bicep around my neck. My whole body felt like it was on fire, I could feel my wolf inside of me howling and practically doing somersaults from being this close to our mate but all I felt was nauseous and slightly out of breath.

"Get your g:ddamn hands off her." Luke spat out and even though he wasn't in his wolf form, he lunged towards Azrael only to be slammed to the floor by Emmanuel. Luke was held down by Emmanuel's paws digging into his chest and silenced by Emmanuel's jaws at his throat.

A strangled gasp involuntarily left my lips, I grabbed onto Azrael's forearm and tried to pry off his vice-like hold on me. "Stop, don't hurt him!"

Not surprisingly, Emmanuel ignored my desperate plea and tightened his jaws around Luke. I watched as Luke went from struggling beneath Emmanuel, to slowly succumbing to his injuries.

Serena took the safety off the gun and pointed it squarely at Emmanuel just as Azrael tightened his hold on me as well. I gasped and coughed as it became increasingly more difficult to breath and once more, Serena turned the gun towards Azrael.

There were tears in her eyes.

I jerked and twisted—I did anything I could to try and free myself because I knew Luke wouldn't last much longer. I needed to get to Luke so I could heal him in time before it was too late.

Azrael leaned his head down and craned his lips so close to my face that they practically brushed against my ear.

"All of this can come to an end in seconds." Azrael whispered into my hair, "Tell them what you know is true, tell them what you're planning to do and I'll call of Emmanuel. Your little friends will be spared."

What I knew was true? What was I planning to do?

Almost as if he was reading my internal confusion Azrael let out a cold rumbling laugh, "You belong to me now and you are going to be spending the rest of your days as apart of my pack." He loosened his hold on me ever so slightly almost as a show of good faith, "Go on, tell them. Save your friends."

My heart sunk, all of my limbs felt like lead. Even my wolf felt totally and utterly defeated by the cruel man behind me.

"Serena," A broken voice croaked...I quickly realized that it was my voice. "I'm not going with you."

Mercy and the Merciless AlphaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant