Chapter Twelve

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A full day came and went since Azrael threw me back in jail and chained me to the wall and just as I suspected I was entering into my full blown heat ever so slowly.

I was completely drenched with sweat, my wrists were raw from me writhing against them as I searched for some sort of relief to the uncomfortable smoldering flames within me.

The cure to a wolf's heat was simple, have your mate f:ck the shit out of you and boom, just like that—instantaneous relief for that moment at least. Azrael knew this too, he knew exactly what kind of hell I would be going through and had absolutely no problem abandoning me through it all.
I groaned as a particularly excruciating wave of pain and lust rolled through me just as the door to the jail opened. For a moment I felt my heart skip a beat, believing it to be Azrael coming to free fame from my punishment. It was not my sadistic mate however and with a low whistle in walked the all too annoying face of Emmanuel with a girl following close behind him.

"You're not looking to good there, old sport." Emmanuel said with a grin in his voice.

I glared in his direction and spit on the floor in his direction, "Go f:ck yourself." I glanced at the door and saw the daylight streaming in, "Don't you have anything better to do than mock me?"

Emmanuel held a hand to his heart feigning hurt, "Are you really going to be this mean to your own sponsor?"

My eyebrows raised ever so slightly, I'd completely forgotten all about Azrael ordering Emmanuel to be my sponsor to learn the ways of the pack.

The girl standing beside Emmanuel whacked his arm with a scolding frown, "Ignore him." She grumbled lowly, "I'm Sapphire, I'm Emmanuel's mate so trust me—the he thrives off attention so just don't give him the pleasure and he pipes down real fast. We've been instructed to take you to the pack house by Alpha."

Any other time I would have probably enjoyed meeting a somewhat friendly face that Sapphire provided but my heat really prevented me from feeling anything other than pain and horniness. But the idea of being freed and moved to the pack house was intriguing, despite the fact I'd only been chained up without food or water for a day during my heat, I'd expected much worse from Azrael.

Emmanuel suddenly looked anxious, glancing back at the door and talking his fingers against his leg. "This really isn't the best idea." He whispered nervously.

Sapphire waved her hand dismissively, "Alpha can't do anything to either of us, remember?" He still frowned, clearly not convinced.

I wasn't convinced either, it was clear they weren't actually instructed to take me back to the house and it was also clear that there was some connection they had with Azrael that I was unaware of.

She fished in her pocket and produced a key, quickly opening the cell door and making fast work with undoing the rusty chains confining me. I practically slumped to the floor but Sapphire was quick to catch me before I hit the ground, "Easy there, I'm here to help you." She set me down on the cot and instantly I began to rub my tender wrists and stretch my limbs out, this alone felt better than anything else in the world in that very moment.

Sapphire pulled some sort of salve from her bag on her shoulder as well as a pill bottle. "Put the cream on your wrists and take one of the pills."

Without a second thought or concern I did as she instructed, within seconds of applying the cream the raw skin began to feel less painful. I stared at the pill quizzically but popped one into my mouth regardless, assuming it was Advil or something.

"That's to help with your heat," Sapphire and Emmanuel could no doubt see and smell the turmoil I was going through. "It'll help ebb the pain and desire for a little while, hopefully until—"

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