Chapter Nine

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I woke up from my nap in a cold sweat.

In the world there were good naps that were refreshing and then there were bad naps where it felt like waking up twelve years later in another dimension while being punched in the face; this was one of those bad naps.

Gingerly, I sat up from the bed furrowing my brow at the dull pain I radiating from the crook of my neck from the small movement. My hand reached to rub the area, thinking in my stupor that I just slept on it really bad. It was only after I touched the spot when I recalled what transpired earlier, I grimaced and took my hand away quickly because this was my mark.

The wound wasn't perfectly healed yet, something that was completely foreign to me. For as long as I could remember, I never once had to experience an injury because I could just heal myself easily within seconds. While regular werewolf healing was albeit far more accelerated than a humans, it was still light years below my capabilities. I was now forced to rely on good ole fashioned regular wolf healing because thanks to the bracelet, there was no other option for me.

I stood from the bed and found the bathroom attached to the room. I flicked the light on instantly grimaced as I was met by my haggard appearance in the vanity mirror.  It looked like I'd been to hell and back again which was kind of accurate in a way.

The past days were filled with lots of stress and no showers, I was surprised Azrael wanted to be anywhere near me. Before I napped, Azrael instructed me to go downstairs once I woke up but none of that was happening until I showered.

Once I figured out how the boujee ass shower worked, my clothes were tossed on the floor in a flash and I crept inside the steamy shower. I closed my eyes, facing towards the stream of water reveling in the power of a nice hot shower.

I stayed in there for as long as possible before I would raise suspicion, stepping out I realized that there was no way in hell I was putting those clothes on again; for my sake and possibly for the sake of whatever or whoever was downstairs. When I cracked open the door and made sure the coast was clear because who knows, Azrael could've easily walked into the room unannounced while I was in the shower. Satisfied with the lack of a certain alpha wolf, I crept out of the bathroom and walked into the closet, rummaging through his clothes to find something suitable for me to wear without looking like a boxy hobo in his larger clothes.

I pulled out a white shirt, a pair of jeans and a belt. I knotted the shirt at the bottom because it was significantly longer than I needed and cinched a belt on the jeans so they ended up looking like just another pair of diy boyfriend style jeans.

There wasn't a comb or brush to be found anywhere in the room so I ran my hands through my hair and got it in a somewhat presentable condition.

I stood in front of the door to the room for a while, my hand hovering over the door knob. Going downstairs meant facing the music, facing the new reality I found myself faced with. I knew I couldn't hide up here forever so I quietly pulled the door open and stepped into the hallway. There was a large rather regal set of stairs that lead to no doubt a common area down on the main level of the mansion.

The more and more I began to explore this place I gathered that the whole house had almost like this spooky Gatsby vibe to it. It would normally be something I would fawn over but the situation I found myself in made it very hard to afford myself that luxury.

I quietly made my way downstairs and to my surprise I found no one in sight. I peered around the corner of the bannister before making my way into the center living room, not a soul present.


I nearly jumped out of my skin as I flew around and came face to face with Emmanuel. His same words haunting me from our very first encounter together.

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