Chapter Seven

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Despite the fact that I'd fallen asleep virtually in the middle of the day after the failed rescue mission, I slept the entire rest of the day and didn't wake up until the next morning. Even then, when I cracked open my eyes in the dark jail cell I was still completely spent.

Beside me was a neat stack of clothing and it was then that I realized I was still only wearing Luke's shirt. I didn't even bother wondering how they got there and I slipped them on without any resistance. It was a simple outfit that consisted of under garments, shorts and a shirt, I looked beside me and noticed that Mallory was clad in the same outfit; no doubt the uniform of the jail.

I wanted to cry some more, maybe even wallow in misery but I knew deep down that a pity party was the farthest thing from what I needed right now.

There was also a part of me that was still completely baffled by Weston. I didn't understand how it was possible, the odds alone were astronomical that we would end up in the same place after all this time...but he was really here, I hadn't imagined it.

This indubitably meant he probably had already run his mouth to Azrael and exposed our packs secret, not that I hadn't done a grand job at exposing myself as well. Like the wallowing and crying, worrying about Weston would do me no good at this point.

It was completely silent in the jail, not even a maniacal peep out of Mallory. I wondered if there were more people down the long hallway of cells, I wouldn't doubt it but there were no audible indications.

Swinging my legs over the side of the cot I stood up gingerly, rubbing the back of my neck before stretching my arms above my head sleepily.

Just as I dropped my arms the door to the jail swung open loudly, instantly from beside me Mallory came to life.

"No no no no no no no." She mumbled frantically and scurried to the back of her cell. "Please no."

I frowned and squinted through the now illuminated cell and saw a figure make their way down the stairs. Azrael stopped promptly in front of my cell and I heard Mallory let out a relieved sigh to my side.

"Good luuuckk." She sung out softly.

I contorted my face in her direction, shooting her an annoyed look before I turned back around and faced Azrael.

For the longest time he didn't say anything, we just stood there in some kind of a bizarre stare off. Azrael's eyes bored into my very soul, he took in every inch of me and then some.

And for the first time, I was able to truly take in the man before me. Azrael had the typical aloha wolf build, he was exceptionally tall and exceptionally muscled—drool worthy even. His hair was the deepest shade of black which looked even more dramatic against his ghostly pale skin; it was so white it almost looked ghostly. Azrael's eyes were even more dramatic if that was possible with an icy blue grey coloring. All in all his appearance was a mixture of terrifying and hot all bundled into one.

Not what I'd imagined ending up with in the slightest that was for sure.

My wolf was going crazy and as a result so was I, all of me instinctually wanted to just leap into his arms and go off into the sunset; but I knew better than that so as hard as it was going against my wolf, I had to fight her desire.

Finally, Azrael broke the trance stepping forward and unlocking the door to my cell. I stood there frozen, not sure if this was some kind of test or if I was going to regret leaving the cell.

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