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I am standing in front of the house, on the other side of the road. Correction. I have been standing in front of the house, on the other side of the road for three hours.

'Make that four.'

From time to time I have tried to take a step but I end up in the exact same spot every time.

I tried going through the garden.

'Didn't make it to the fence.'

I tried jumping directly to the second floor.

'Fell face first on the concrete.'

I even tried to simply walk to the door.

'Broke your arm trying to reach the knob. I still don't understand how you managed that.'

Let's just say something is bothering me.

'Let's talk about the elephant in the room.'

Mammoth would be more accurate.

'Let's talk about the Sun in the room. MOUHAHAHAHA !'

I start to roll my eyes.

'It's big enough to express the extent of your problem though !'

Remind me when is it that I get rid of you ?

'You can't, that's the beauty of it. Stuck with me for eternity.'

I can't help looking up to the sky, to the fading Sun behind the clouds. Pleading.

What did I ever do to deserve this.

'I don't understand what's making you so wary.'

I think...

'Yes ?'

Well... I.. I think...

'Dear me. We'll still be here next week.'

Real mature, really.

I look at my feet, feeling stressed out more than ever.

I've decided to not care anymore. I'm tired of not being able to do anything the way I want.

'When have you ever done anything against your will ?'

You know what I mean. I can't show who I am, I can't have fun in case I destroy the planet...

'Such a hard life !'

Yes it is ! It's difficult. And not fun. And boring.

'Alright. Then what are you going to do differently then ?'

I won't hold back.

'Which means ?'

Since I'm depressed when I ignore him, and I feel like I can't spend too much time without him I'm going to go all out. I don't care if I'm not Nate's mate. He's mine. And even if it turns out he's not I'll still try to make him fall in love with me. To make him lose his mind for good.

'OH MY GOD !!!!!! YESSSS ! You're finally doing something smart ! I can't wait to see that ! What's first ? Second ? What are you waiting for ? When do you start ?'

I haven't thought that far yet.

'Get naked. This always works.'

I'm trying to keep some dignity here. I'll still be here in two hundred years, I can't go and destroy my legacy.

When the Sun meets the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now