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"No more lies." Nate grits his teeth.

I ogle him without restraint and for the first time since I met him I see him become uncomfortable under my stare, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Don't move." He instructs before leaving the garden, giving me a wonderful sight of his butt... BACK I MEAN HIS BACK ! He comes back in seconds with shorts on.

"So." I try to diffuse the tension.

"How old are you ?" He starts without waiting.

'Sheesh. Way to make a girl feel old.'

"I told you already. I'm 25."

"Since when ?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "For two or three years."

'Try millenniums.' My wolf coughs.

"Show me your eyes."

I sigh and give up. My vision turns red.

"You're not a werewolf then." He concludes on his own.

"Of course I am."

"Don't lie to me. Werewolves have yellow eyes."

"Genetic mutation."

"Prove it. Turn into your wolf."

"Don't wanna." I wail like a five-year-old. "You know I'm a wolf. You can smell it." I try to convince him. "You could tell Leila wasn't one."

"But your eyes are red."

"I know, I know." I chide him.

"How do you know the other alphas ?"

"I met them during a race or another gamble."

"How do you know the kitsunes ? The vampires ?"

"I met them during my travels."

"How did you win against Daiki's powers ?"

"I got lucky." I shrug.

"Who are you ?"

"This feels like an interrogation." I grumble.

"It is." He frowns.

"Look, I can't explain everything to you."

"Why not ?"

"Because these are private matters."

"How do you want me to trust you then ?"

"I don't know." I sigh looking for a way to make him understand without giving him my true identity. "You just have to."

"You can't expect me to blindly trust you without any proof. I have responsabilities, a pack to take care of. I can't put them in danger simply because I trusted you."

'Oh no ! Hope !' My wolf interrupts my train of thoughts. 'With everything that's happening we forgot the most important thing !'

What ?

'The new season of GOT started again two days ago !'

"OH MY GOD !" I cry out and run quickly inside forgetting everything else. "Leila !" I shout in a hurry, "LEILA !"

"What ? What is it ?" She comes out of the bathroom dishevelled, a towel still in her hair.

"Where's your laptop ?"

"In my room. Did something happen ?"

She follows me upstairs as I run.

"I can't believe I forgot !" I whine.

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