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[author's note : when I use italic + underlined (like that) it's because I'm trying to make it look like she's crossing out the words but can't on wattpad, sorry !]

To Klaus Jr,

I thought I should start this letter with all the usual stuff about how nice I was this year so here I go.

Yadi yadi yada.

Let's face it I was awesome as always, when have you ever seen me any other way? It is not without pride that I say that this century I have been more than good. There might have been a few massacres here and there but whos counting?

I'm sorry your dad lost his beard last time we met, and one brow, I know it was hard for him afterward to do his job since no one recognized him anymore.. but let's face it, he had it coming. I mean what kind of world is it when Santa doesn't bring me such a small present ? I only asked for a tiara, one, which isn't that many if you asked me. Sure, I asked it to be one of Queen Elizabeth's. Yes, it was the big one in gold and precious jewels. Maybe, the one she's currently using. But let's not forget it was mine first! I was just taking back what's mine.

I mean it's not like I asked for a new castle, at least not that year.

So yes, I asked for the tiara back. That's why you have to understand why I did what I did. I knew didn't know you were all inside the house with the elves backing a cake when I started that fire. I might have tripped and taken down the reindeers fence and you might have had to look for them for two weeks afterwards but was it really my fault ? I don't think so. I was so sad and disappointed I couldn't see where I was going.

Anyway let's get to the point. As you probably know and as I said before, this year I was awesome. I was a badass and kicked many enemies butts took care of some problems we had. I did some real good this time around so I should be allowed to ask for something. Right ? Let bygones be bygones?

I thought about asking for leprechaun gold but I remembered I already stole found some. Then I thought of asking for a new power but we need to be reasonable. I mean, if I'm even greater than now the world might end so I'll put the thought away for now. I considered asking for a new castle but I'm too lazy to hire the maids. And here's my problem ! I don't know what to ask for this year, which never happens! Even my wolf made fun of me. By the way it wants 6 roasted unicorns, 2 scrambled dragon eggs and some mermaid oil for its fur. I'm impressed, it didn't ask for more this year. Remember that time it wanted the Amazonian forest to run free? We almost had a climate change in our hands, although the humans are doing a great job on this front nowadays.

You don't need to bring Cory or Gabe anything I'll take care of it myself, don't worry. But the pups need a few things. I saw on your website you finally decided to propose the invisibility cape so I'll need ten of them, for now (one in pink for Sydney). And their swords were confiscated a while ago, I don't know why, so they need new ones.

For Leila nothing too complicated, a teleport key will suffice. As you know she lives of few things.

Nate keeps asking for a Galapagos turtle ever since I told him some of them were great musicians.

By the way, do you know where I put Lilith's mirror ? I can't seem to find it and I need it to contact Lucy to check if his new guests arrived.

As you see, I'm awfully generous this year but I still don't know what to choose for myself. Any suggestion? I'll think about it some more and send you another letter to tell you.

Anyway, I'm counting on you.

Dear Mr. Santa,

It's an honor to be writing to you. About the fire, she's joking... right ?

I don't really need a turtle I just found it amazing, that's all, and don't worry about Hope I'll take care of her present.

Let's also forget about the swords for the pups, instead how about a few nice wooden cars or trains? Although, if I could ask for an invisibility cloak too...

Thank you for all the work you accomplish every year for this special occasion.

Merry (belated) Christmas

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