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Everyone is back to their usual stuff which mostly consists of lazing around the house in their private quarters. Or so I thought. At least that's how things worked before I left. Now however, there is a kind of tension hanging around, almost suffocating us. Everyone is uptight, the pups can't go play in the forest without supervision and the rules are stricter. The guards are staying put closer to the house. I can hear their wolves run around in tight formations just behind the selvage of the trees. They are ready to react to anything that might happen more than ever but it makes it more difficult for those inside the perimeter to relax and do their job properly.

They keep fidgeting and looking around, searching for an attacker who is nowhere to be found. If things keep up that way we'll end up with a full house of nervous wrecks. They even have to train now which should be a good thing but it isn't. The accountant is so skinny I'm afraid he'll fly away at any given time if the wind is too strong. How they intend to make a fighter out of him is beyond me. I guess it can't be bad if they at least learn how to defend themselves in case of an emergency but making them into soldiers is extremely reckless.

They'll get slaughtered.

'That ain't our fault.'

Do you actually believe they wouldn't blame me if half of their pack ends up being decimated ?

'I think that whatever we do we'll still be blamed so...'

I'm not taking responsibility for this. Jared will see I'm right.

'Sure. Go see the beta and tell him he's wrong. See how this goes.'

Nate left an hour ago, not even a minute after we stepped out of the dining hall, taking back his place as the alpha in charge. He and Jared went to a meeting with the new "council", to relate everything that happened during the trip. I only had the time to wave at Lincoln and Talia before they were whisked away.

They asked me to join too but I refused. There's no way I'm spending hours on end in a small room with cranky people going over what happened again and again. Plus, I hate paperwork.

I've decided, I'm retiring. From today onward I'll live on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean living off of fishes and coconuts.

'You already tried. And failed.'

No I didn't, I just remembered I had left the stove on.

'Yeah right. You went crazy and sunk the island. You can't stay alone without anybody to order around.'

So now I'm waiting. Well, it's more like I'm going in circles, waiting for one of them to come back so I have someone to talk to. Noriko retired to her room to rest. After all the travelling we did I'm not used to sit around and wait anymore. I have nothing to do, no one to talk with, which is sad really. All the women in here are avoiding me even more than before we left and most men are too focused on training.

Cory came by to send a few deadly glares at me but I had a blast ignoring her. It seems to be a great way to deal with her seeing as she was fuming when she stormed out of the room. I have no doubts she'll come back to attack at some point though.

I. Can't. Wait.

Maybe I could leave a knife somewhere she can see it. Or a gun. An axe ? Something to tempt her. If I check in a few books I might be able to find a spell somewhere making her unable to resist attacking me.

'That'd be a low blow. She can't win against you and you'd force her to her death ?'

Nothing she doesn't deserve.

When the Sun meets the MoonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin