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Laughter. Laughter. LAUGH-TER. I'm officially going crazy. It's two in the morning and they still haven't stopped laugh-ing ! After the first wave of general shock the different camps and the training groups went back to their training and ignored as much as they could the horrendous-dreadful-excruciating-heinous sounds of the rainbow-ish ponies. They all settled themselves on the edge of the forest, away from everyone else and started talking again, loudly, really loudly.

I grab my pillow and try to smother myself under it. But the sound is still as clear as day. I'm afraid if I close my eyes I'll have nightmares about flying horses piercing my eyeballs with their pointy toothpicks and always LAUGHING.

I just want them to shut up.

I threw a lamp at them an hour ago but that only made them shout more.

"And then the horse says : 'I'm a donkey'."

"HA HA HA HA HA HA." They all laugh.

They are not even funny.

I want to cry.

'Make them leave. Please. I'm begging you !' My wolf implores and I can almost see it rolling around in my head, its paws over its ears.

As if I could, I don't even know who brought them here.

'You should have said something.'

Trust me. If I had known they were coming I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be on another continent.

If I remember correctly their corns sell quite high underground...

"Will you shut up !" A voice shouts from nowhere.

Apparently I'm not the only one being bothered at the moment.

I thought I was weird.

'You are.'

You know, with them here, we might not even need to fight. They could scare the enemy away.

"Do you know the one about the pony who painted his tail ?" A new unicorn starts.

"No one cares !" Another voice soars through the night.


"Whos up for a steak ?" Someone offers.

'How didn't you think of that ?'

How didn't I think of that ?! Dammit, I'm really growing old !

'You lost your last remaining quality : your ingenuity, you don't have any redeeming features anymore...'

It's the end of the world.

The crowd grows silent as people agree with the idea. I close my eyes ready to fall into the depth of Netherlands. Quiet. Bliss. Paradise. Heaven.

"And the one about the zebra ?" They start again.

That's it ! Someone is getting barbecued !

I throw back my sheets and get up, not even bothering to change into something other than my shorts. It's too hot to wear anything else. I make a beeline for the door and open it harshly. There are already a few people gathered in the corridor, obviously tired from this relentless noise.

Don't worry little ones, I'll take care of it.

I smirk and walk forward, ready to go to war.

"I can't sleep." Someone whines.

No kidding. Who could ever sleep in this kind of situation ?

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