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Millie Carter felt like shit. After leaving her home in the dead of night, to catch a plane to a new home where she didn't even want to go, anyone would feel like shit after that. Millie could safely say this was turning into the worst year yet. As she lent on the plane window she recounted how she got here.

It all started when she was put into foster care. Her first set of parents had been amazing and they cared for her but they had to move away and they couldn't bring her. Her second set had been two drunks using foster kids to get extra money off the government. Millie was with them for far too long. Her third set were okay, not good, not bad. Just average. This went on for some years. Now at 17 Millie is moving across the country to live with a new couple. At the thought of this Millie rolled her eyes. She knew these people wouldn't be good, she could feel it.

As the plane landed and she spent what felt like hours navigating the airport she found two people holding a sign that read 'Carter.'

"You must be Millie." The women on the right squealed, embracing Millie in a tight hug. "I'm Anne. Oh, you're so beautiful, so gorgeous everyone is gonna be all over you." Anne winked as she stopped hugging Millie.

Millie felt a little uncomfortable at the suggestion that people would notice her. She had never really found herself beautiful, more of a plain girl. With her blonde hair and blue eyes she felt pretty common actually. "I'm Sarah," the other woman introduced herself. "I won't hug you, unless you want me to." As she said that she smiled at Anne and rolled her eyes.

"I think I'm good on the hugging front." Millie shook her head. Millie looked at the women. They didn't seem to be sisters, Anne had wild red hair while Sarah had a dark blonde colour. Their face shapes were completely different too. Millie looked at their hands. Rings. They were married.

"Well come on, Millie. Don't you want to see your new house?" Sarah smiled warmly at her and went to their car.

The drive to Forks was peaceful, Sarah put on some quiet music and let Millie get some rest. Millie could tell that Anne was just bursting to know more about the girl.
As they entered the Town of Forks, Millie was slowly waking up. The town was almost lost in the blanket of fog that covered it. The trees and forest that surround the town make it feel like you stepped into a fairy tale. Millie smiled at the thought. "You awake, sweetie?" Anne asked, turning around and seeing Millie awake in the backseat. "Welcome to Forks!" Anne grinned just as they passed the sign.

They pulled up to a small red house. "Welcome home, Millie." Sarah said, unlocking the front door.

"Home..." Millie mumbled, walking into the small house. She spun around taking in the white walls, they were covered in picture frames of friends and family and kids just like Millie. The living room was full of vivid colours, yellows and blues and reds and greens filled the small space. The kitchen was more organised, everything in its place but on the cupboards there were hand prints, ranging in different sizes and colours.

"You can add your hand there one day too, Millie." Sarah smiled. Her and Anna stood hip to hip, watching the young girl take in the house. Millie didn't say anything to that but traced some of the hand prints. "Anne, did you want to show Millie to her bedroom?" Anne kissed Sarah on the cheek and lead Millie up stairs.

Anne opened the door to Millie's bedroom. "Hope you like it, sweetie. I didn't know what you liked so I tried to keep it neutral for you." Millie looked at the room and tried to keep her excitement to herself. She'd never had a room this beautiful. The grey walls had some random artworks on them and her bed was a canopy bed with a white curtain around it and fairy lights decorating the roof.

"Thank you." Was the only thing Millie could get out of her mouth. Anne gave her a quick side hug and left her to herself. Saying something about dinner before she left.

Millie got to work unpacking her suitcase. She placed her clothes in her wardrobe. Then she took out her photo frame, the only picture she has. It's a picture of her mother. She's laying on some grass with a yellow sundress on, reading a book. Laughing at whoever took the photo. Millie took a deep breath, she didn't want to think about her mother right now. She gently placed the photo frame on her desk and took a seat on her bed.

'I wonder how long this will last?' She thought to herself. 'I hope not long, I don't want to get attached.'

"Millie! We've sorted dinner! Come down!" Anne's loud voice came from upstairs.

Millie smiled. 'But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it here.'


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