[Death Trap]

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Millie and Jasper pull up at the Cullens just as Bella and Edward do. As Millie hops out of the car Bella runs over with a tear streaked face and hugs Millie.

"Charlie won't forgive me." She mumbles into Millie's shoulder. Millie soothes her hair and hugs her tight.

"He will, Bells. Of course he will." Millie coos.

The front door to the Cullens opens and Laurent stands there. Millie holds Bella closer while Edward and Jasper both jump in front of the girls, in a defensive position. Carlisle comes up behind him, "he came to warn us. About James."

Laurent addresses Carlisle. "I've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparalleled senses. Absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in three hundred years ... And the woman, Victoria, will back him. Don't underestimate her." Carlisle thanks him and he goes  to leave. He turns around and looks between Edward and Jasper. "I'm truly sorry for what has been unleashed here." Then he leaves.

Millie shivered at what he said. She did not like the sound of James.


Millie watches as the Cullens all spring into action. Their garage is full of beautiful cars. Millie watches them open cupboards and sees maps, GPS's, passports and weapons.

Millie stays to the side, her arm slung around Bella. Jasper walks past, putting weaponry into a bag. "I've had to fight our kind before." He avoids Millie's stare. "We're hard to kill."

"But not impossible." Edward interjects. "We'll tear him up."

"We'll rip him apart with our hands and burn the pieces." Emmett says with gusto.

"Is the killing really necessary?" Millie pipes up. Carlisle gives her a sympathetic look.

"I don't relish killing another creature." He says. "Even a sadistic one like James."

"If he doesn't get us first." Rosealie comments. Millie only just realises that she's been sitting down the whole time, not contributing to anything.

Bella looks horrified. "This is insane. You can't put yourselves in danger like this."

"Too late." Rosealie glares at the girls.

Edward throws keys to Carlisle. "Jas and I will run Bella and Millie south. You guys lead the tracker away."

"No Edward — the tracker knows neither one of you will leave the girls. He'll follow you."

"I'll go with them." Alice says. "I'll drive them south."

"No that's too dangerous." Jasper grabs Millie and holds her hand tight.

"Jas," Alice looks into his eyes. "I won't let anything happen to her. I'll be protecting her with my life." Jasper looks into her eyes for a couple seconds longer before letting go of Millie's hand. He grabs her by the shoulders.

"Be safe, darlin'." She gives him a shaky smile.

"Always am."

Edward grabs clothes from Millie and Bella's bags. He throws two jackets at Rosealie and Esme. "Esme, Rosealie, put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent."

Esme puts on Millie's jacket and gives her a smile. Rosealie drops the jacket and glowers at Edward. "Why should I? What are they to me? Just some danger you've both inflicted on us."

Jasper growls at her. "Excuse me? You best not talk about Millie that way." Alice puts her hand on his shoulder and shakes her head. He puts an arm around Millie.

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