[La Push]

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Bella drops her book bag on the seat next to Millie. "Hey." Millie says.

"Hey Mills."

"Well now both the babes are here; La Push are you girls in?" Eric asks. Millie and Bella both look at each other confused.

"Should we know what that means?" Bella asks, looking to the rest of the table.

"La Push beach, down on the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in." Mike explains.

"And I don't just surf the internet!" Eric jumps up on a seat and mimes surfing. Millie laughs as Mike pushes him down and puts him in a headlock.

"Eric you stood up once on a foam board." Jessica rolls her eyes, laughing at the two wrestling boys.

Angela moves closer to Millie. "There's whale watching too. Come with."

After wrestling his way out of Mikes headlock, Eric pops back up. "La Push, baby."

"I'm only gonna go if you never say it like that again." Millie laughs.

Eric winks at her. "I make no promises." This makes Millie and Bella laugh more.

Across the cafeteria Jasper longs to be the one making her laugh. He can feel her emotions from across the hall. Try as he might he can't force her to change her emotions, it's like when he tries to, hers over power his. He can feel her joy at being included in a group and he can also feel some anxiety tucked away and sadness. "Jasper, you're not going to want to hear this." Edward starts.

"What? What's wrong? Is she okay?"

"I couldn't hear before buts it's been running through her thoughts all day." Edward focuses on Millie. "She heard her foster parents on the phone. She thinks she might be getting taken away in a couple of weeks." Jasper goes ridged. His eyes go black and he growls softly.

"Jas, no. We need to leave. Now." Alice grabs Jasper and takes him outside. As she does this Millie watches with curiosity from across the cafeteria.

Bella goes to get more salad and Millie uses this opportunity to go see Jasper. She follows out the door where Alice and Jasper left. She walks out into the court yard and looks around. "Where could they have gone?" Millie looks at the forest and shakes her head. "Probably not." She sees slight movement but shakes it off. She needs to get to class anyway.

Meanwhile in the bushes, Alice tackles Jasper to the ground as he goes to run at Millie. "Jas! No!" He's stronger than her and throws her into a tree. She jumps onto his back and hits him into the forest floor. Alice has her hands pushed into his chest keeping him on the ground.

"Thanks Alice, I'm okay-" in the middle of saying this Emmet comes out of nowhere and lands directly on Jaspers chest. "Emmet, what in the hell!" Emmet laughs while keeping him pushed down.

"Rose sent me, she saw your freak out and thought Alice could use some help." As he said this Alice and him high fived. "You did a good job on your own though Alice."

"I'm okay now. Please get off." As they got off, he slowly got up off the floor and dusted himself off. "Was a whole family fight really necessary?" Alice and Emmet raised their eyebrows at him, rolling their eyes too.

"You need to control yourself man." Emmet says, all nonchalant. Jasper rolls his eyes at him.

'Easy for him to say.' He thinks with a glare.


Millie wraps the blanket around Bella and herself tighter. "It's cold, are you guys actually going in?" Millie asks as Jessica, Mike and Eric suit up.

"We came all the way out here, I'm at least paddling out." Jessica complains.

Angela leans in close to Bella and Millie. "I keep thinking Eric is going to ask me to prom. Then he just doesn't."

"Just ask him." Millie suggests.

Bella sees the panic in her eyes. "You're a strong independent woman, you can do it."

"Bella!" Three boys walk over.

"Jacob—" She smiles at the middle boy. "Guys this is Jacob. Are you following me?" She jokes.

"You're on my rez - remember? You surfing?"

Millie snorts at the idea of Bella surfing. She can barely walk on land without tripping. "Definitely not."

"You should keep her company, her date bailed." Jessica teases innocently.

"What date?" Both Mike and Eric ask. They look panicked.

"She invited Edward." Jessica continues.

"To be polite." Bella tries to defend herself.

"Well I think it's nice she invited him, no one ever does." Angels says with an annoyed look.

"Yeah, he seems alright." Millie adds.

"That's cause Cullens a freak." Mike spits out.

"You got that right." One of the boys with Jacob says.

Millie rolled her eyes. 'They don't even know the Cullens." Millie gives them a snide look.

"You know them?" Bella asks.

"The Cullens don't come here." The other boy says.

Millie looks at Bella with confusion. Bella nods. She walks off with Jacob, leaving Millie to whale watch with Angela.


When Millie arrives home she can tell something is wrong. She walks into the kitchen where Sarah and Anne sit. "Are you guys okay?" She asks, immediately distressed.

"Yeah we just wanna have a quick talk." Sarah says. Millie takes a seat across from them. She knows this has to be about the phone call.

"Mrs Clark called the other night. She's the lady in charge of your foster case." Anne explains. Keeping calm. Sarah puts an arm around her shoulders. "Well she was informed of the car accident you were in and she has decided that Forks is not an appropriate place for you to stay." Anne starts crying.

"We were on a trial with you and we put you in danger." Sarah says, her voice shaking. "But we have 2 and a half weeks to do something about it — I mean that's if you want to stay." Sarah clears her throat. "If you had the choice would you want to stay?"

Millie processes everything and nods furiously. Blinking away tears. "I want to stay here with you two." She mumbles. "I don't want to leave here." She felt like she was being a baby but she couldn't stop crying at the thought of being taken away again. Sarah and Anne hold her tight.

"We're going to figure out something." Sarah promises.

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