[I Love You]

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"Should we really be doing this?" Millie asks Bella as they arrive at the ballet studio.

"We have to. He's got Rene." Bella says. Millie nods, she hopes Rene is okay. Bella gently opens the front door, it's unlocked.

They walk into the studio. The studio of mirrors. Millie looks around but it really is just mirrors. The girls give each other nervous looks. "Bella? Where are you?" Bella whirls around to find the source. She walks towards a nearby supply closet.

Millie feels off. 'That sounds familiar.' She thinks. 'Isn't that what she said on the phone?' Millie wracks her brain and realises that it isn't Rene just as Bella opens the door. Inside the supply closest is a tv with a young Bella hiding in that exact supply closet. Obviously when Bella used to do ballet. Bella takes a step back towards Millie.


"This is always the best part. Such stubborn child weren't you?" James appears behind the girls. He looks at Millie, "I assume you were too. I couldn't find any home tapes at your house, foster kid." He grins when Millie stiffens.

"She's not here." Bella is full of rage and a little relief.

"You made it far too easy." He walks around the room. The mirrors make it hard to tell which is the real him. Suddenly he's next to the girls, "so, to make things more entertaining, I'm going to make a film of our time together. Borrowed this from your house, hope you don't mind." He shows Bella the camera. Millie feels disgusted. She looks over at Bella who looks uncomfortable too. "And... action!" Bella throws her purse at him and Millie and her run for the door. "Excellent! An escape attempt."

As they charge for the door Millie feels a hand around her neck. She stops, eyes wide with fear. Bella runs ahead then turns back when she can't see Millie. "Let her go!" Bella yells. He ignores her in favour of sniffing Millie's hair.

"This'll break Jaspers heart." He shoves the camera in her face.

"Jasper is stronger than this! He won't stoop to your level." Millie grits out as he holds her throat.

"Oh he will. His anger is going to make this a more interesting game than his feeble attempt at protecting you." Millie notices Bella run towards them and she ducks just as Bella sprays him with her pepper spray. Stunning him into letting Millie go. They run again but he effortlessly jumps in front of them.

He smiles before he picks both girls up and flings them in opposite directions. Both smashing into the glass. "Fuck." Millie swears. She can feel glass in her legs and back.

"Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well." He walks over to Bella who is struggling to stand with the glass in her arms. "Still stubborn aren't you? Is that what makes you special? Because frankly, I don't see it." He kicks the glass around her and flicks the camera back on. "Too bad he couldn't turn you. Instead he kept you his fragile little human. It's cruel, really."

"Don't touch her!" Millie shouts, capturing James's attention.

"You can't talk either. I don't think Jasper could ever turn you. I don't think he ever has the intention either." James doesn't move from where he stands in front of Bella. He starts to record again. "Well done you've succeeded in annoying me!" He stomps on Bella's ankle and the crack is audible. Millie cries as Bella screams. "Tell Edward how much it hurts." He puts the camera in her face. "Tell him to avenge you."

"No! Edward don't!" She yells. The pain consuming her. Her blood pools at her leg and Millie can see James loosing control. Millie gets up, removing any big bits of glass from her. She steadies herself before running at James and pushing him.

It was like running into rock. He stumbles a little, caught off guard. He grabs Millie's arm and smiles. "I'm sure Jasper would avenge you." He grabs her forearm and snaps it. She can hear the bone break as she screams in pain.

"Jasper won't!" She cries through the tears. Suddenly James is whipped away. Jasper tackles him away from Millie and Edward is right behind.

"You two may be fast but you're not strong enough." James teases. James grabs Edward and smashes his face into the mirror.

"Strong enough to kill you." Jasper says, flinging James across the room into another mirror. Jasper grabs Millie and jumps to the balcony, only to be pulled down by James. Millie flies out of Jasper grasp and lands on the ground sliding a few feet away. James grabs both Cullens and throws them both into the ceiling. Embedding them into the roof. He grabs Millie's arm and with a smile sinks his teeth into her wrist.

She screams in agony. Jasper's rage erupts, he jumps down onto James, sending them both flying into the floor. Millie drifts in and out of consciousness, not seeing much except for dark figures. Suddenly her eyes pop open. She watches James and Jasper fight. James kicks Jasper almost delivering a fatal blow when Jasper grabs his leg and uses him like a baseball bat. Smashing all the mirrors that hadn't been already smashed. Millie sobs in pain. Hearing Millie in pain, Jasper bites at James neck. Taking off flesh.

Millie watches as Carlisle grabs Jasper and pulls him back. He doesn't fight him. Jasper looks at Millie and runs over to her side. "Millie... Millie." He grabs her shoulders. Millie's eyes focus on him and she smiles.

"I know you weren't excepting a reply." She says, her eyes focusing solely on Jasper. "I do love you, Jas and I'm not just saying that because I feel like I'm dying." She forces out a laugh then starts convulsing.

"Carlisle! Do something!" Edward shouts, holding a knocked out Bella in his arms.

"She's losing too much blood." He says, examining her back and legs. Millie remembers how badly it hurt when she was thrown into the glass.

"Sorry to interrupt doc." Millie says. "My arm is on fire." She clenches her teeth as she speaks. Carlisle gives her a sympathetic look.

"Venom." He turns to Jasper. "You've got two choices. Either let the change happen-"

"No! Millie has a lot more life to live!" Jasper yells.

"I've seen it Jasper. She will be one of us." Alice puts her hand on his shoulder and he shrugs it off.

"That will change. I'm not letting her become a monster." Jasper watches as Millie convulses again. "Carlisle! What's the other option?!"

"You could try and suck the venom out."

Jasper shakes his head. "I can't. I won't be able to stop. I'll kill her."

"Find the will to stop. But chose soon, she only has minutes left."

Jasper looks down at his beautiful girlfriend and makes the decision. He grabs her unbroken arm, where James bit her. He looks at Alice first. "If I cant stop kill me. No questions." Alice nods hesitantly. Millie's eyes open and close rapidly and she looks at Jasper with a half smile. "I'll make it go away." He bites her and starts to suck the venom from her wrist. Millie's face contorts with pain but it subsides. Jasper begins to feel unstoppable. He begins to feed harder and faster than before.

"Jasper. The blood is clean. You're killing her." Carlisle says. Jasper doesn't seem to register. Alice comes up behind Jasper ready to intervene if needed.

Millie moans with pain and Jasper freezes. He pulls away. Jumping back with force.

Millie drifts in and out of consciousness. Carlisle starts to blur away. She thinks to herself, 'dying would be a lot easier than this.' Then her vision goes dark.


Thanks for reading guys I hope you're enjoying so far! Only a little bit to go now! Hope you guys enjoy the last couple of chapters, I can't wait to write the next book too.

Okay bye lovelies! Hope you have a great day/night x

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