[Animal Attacks?]

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Millie watches as Sarah pulls up at the house in her cruiser, she's been at the station all night. As she gets out of the car she looks worried. Millie's room has a huge window which means she can see out the front of the house. She is taking it to her full advantage. "Welcome home, babe." Millie hears Anne say from downstairs. "Everything okay?"

Millie strains her ears to try and hear anything that Sarah says. "-animal attack..." is all Millie can make out, Sarah talks a lot quieter than Anne. They talk quietly for a little longer until they go quiet.

"Mill's, dinner is ready!" Anne calls her downstairs.

Millie had never been referred to as 'Mill's' before but she was beginning to like it. It was almost a way of showing affection and Millie found she didn't mind at all. She made her way downstairs and sat with her foster mothers for dinner. As they all finished, Sarah and Anne went quiet. "Mill's we know you're strong and you can handle yourself but there's been an animal attack and it wasn't that close but it just reminded me how dangerous it can be." Sarah started.

"So we got you this." Anne hands over some high strength pepper spray. "Please be careful, Mills."

Millie nods. "I'm always careful." She smiles at the two women. She wouldn't admit it but they were growing on her. She'd been here a little while and she finally felt comfortable and safe enough to make some actual friends.


"Hey Bella." Millie said walking up to a distracted Bella.

"Oh hey, Mill." Bella and her had become closer than she expected.

"Looking for someone?" She asked. Then the Cullen cars pulled up, missing two of the Cullens. No Jasper or Edward.

"That's a little sus." Bella commented as all of the Cullens stared at them. Millie thought it was a little weird but she didn't really worry about it too much. But soon one day off turned into a week off and every time Millie looked at Alice she gave her a sympathetic smile and shrugged.


"Don't you think it's weird though?" Bella asks, her voice coming through the phone. Millie sighs and lays on her bed, closing the curtain around it for some privacy.

"It is pretty weird but what if they really are just sick?" Millie asks, giving the benefit of the doubt.

"I would believe that if I had a normal encounter with him. He acted like I was disgusting!" Millie could hear Bella's despair. "I don't smell do I?" She was begging to sound frantic.

"Bells, you smell like apples." Millie laughed. "Maybe he doesn't like apples?"

"Mills take this seriously." Bella sighed and Millie could hear her flop onto her bed. "What about your weird eye contact with Jasper? I mean that's gotta count for something, right?"

"You're grasping at straws here, Bells." Millie could hear Bella laugh on the other end. "Look, get some sleep. I'm sure both of them will be fine by tomorrow. Goodnight." Millie heard the brunette say goodnight before she switched off her phone and crawled under the covers.

'The only thing I'm not used to is how cold Forks gets.' Millie thought to herself as she struggled to fall asleep. As she drifted in and out of sleep she felt a particularly cold breeze. 'Is the window open?' Millie asked herself as she got out of bed. She looked across her bedroom and saw the window half open. "Damn it." She muttered, covering her body with a blanket and venturing over to the window. She closed it and crawled back into bed. As she drifted off she could have sworn she heard the window open and close again but she blamed it on lack of sleep.

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