[Feild Trip and a Phone Call]

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"I need your permission slips, guys!" The teacher organising the trip calls out.

Millie and Bella stand right where the accident happened. Bella keeps replaying the accident in her head. She's a thousand miles away right now. While all Millie could think about was how worried Anne and Sarah were when she was in hospital. She had never had foster parents that care that much. If Millie had gotten hurt with her old families they either wouldn't take her to hospital or if she did go to hospital they would complain about how much they had to spend on her, but Sarah and Anne didn't once talk about the cost. All they did was bring Millie home make a nice hot meal and watch a movie together on the couch. Both of them fussing over her, making her feel better.

"Look! You're moving, you're alive!" Mike imitates Frankenstein's monster.

Bella shakes herself out of reliving the crash. "Oh — yeah. False alarm." Millie nods too, but she gets the idea that Mike doesn't really care what she thinks. He's got eyes for Bella.

"Actually I'm glad you're not dead cause that would suck." Millie stifles at laugh at his badly worded sentence. "Well plus I kinda wanted to ask you... even though it's like a month away." Bella zones out as does Millie. The Cullens are here and they've got the girls attention immediately. "So what do you think?" Bella gives him a blank look. "Prom? With me?" Millie cringes at the awkwardness.

"Prom. As in dancing. I actually can't even go to prom, I have to go somewhere."

Mike looks as if he's about to say something but Millie interrupts him. "-She's coming with me to Jacksonville. Non refundable tickets. Sorry." Millie gives Mike an apologetic look.

"You should really ask Jessica, she'd love to be your date." As Bella says Mike looks at Jessica who smiles big and waves at him.


"Now this is recycling at its most basic form." The teacher says excitedly. Bella keeps an eye on Edward, still mad at him but curious. Millie doesn't mean to keep watching Jasper but she does find herself being drawn to him, over and over again. Edward stops to look at some ferns and Bella takes her chance leaving Millie to continue walking alone.

Millie trips over a hose on the ground and fall directly into Jaspers arms. "Sorry!" Her eyes go wide, she's run right into Jasper. His arms go stiff around her and he looks panicked. "I'm really sorry Jasper, this place is a death trap." Millie took a couple of steps back from him.

"It's all right." He looked pained but Millie tried to ignore it.

They both quietly walked together. Neither one knowing what to say. "I'm sorry for what happened at the hospital. That is no way to treat a lady." Jasper finally spoke up.

Millie blushed a little. She had never been called a lady before. "It's no problem but you didn't have to lie to me."

"It was actually an adrenaline rush to get to you." He explains. Millie doesn't believe one word and it shows on her face. He ignores that. "So what's in Jacksonville?"

"I have no clue, Bella just didn't want to go to prom with Mike and I thought fast." She laughs with him then remembers that he wasn't there for that conversation. "Wait — how'd you know about that?"

Before he can answer Millie trips over another hose on the ground, Jasper catches her easily. "You need to start watchin' where you're going, Millie." He looks into her eyes again and there's a spark. She feels tingles over her body.

Across the greenhouse Alices visions of Millie grow stronger. She wasn't lying when she said that she had been having visions of Millie for weeks but they used to be pretty blurry. Now they were crystal clear.

Jaspers eyes go wide as Millie processes what just happened. He steadies her before leaving without a word.

Millie leaves the greenhouse in a daze. She doesn't know what just happened with Jasper but it made her feel nice. As she walks she falls in line with an angry looking Bella. They walk past the boys playing with worms and Edward comes up behind them.

"Bella it would be better if we weren't friends." He looks at Millie. "And you should stay away from Jasper."

Bella looks hurt. "Well, you should have figured that out earlier." She grabs Millie's arm and walks at a faster pace. Millie doesn't even get time to yell at Edward for telling her to stay away from Jasper. So she settles for just having the argument in her head. "You could have just let the van crush me and saved yourself a tonne of regret."

"You think I regret saving you?" He snaps.

"I know you do." Bella, not one to turn down a fight stands her ground.

He looks furious. "You don't know anything."

Suddenly Alice is at his side. "The bus is leaving." She looks at the girls. "Hi, will you two be joining us?"

"No... our bus is full." He walks off pulling Alice away.


Millie lays in her bed. Not doing much. She had just gotten off the phone with an angry Bella. Now Millie was laying in bed thinking about the Cullens. It was late and Sarah had gotten home about an hour ago. The couple were downstairs watching a movie together. Millie had grown to really like them. Like really really like them. She had almost slipped up and called them both mum at some point. Luckily no one noticed. As Millie lay there contemplating she heard a phone ring.

"Hello?" She heard Anne pick up. "Oh... hello ma'am. Uh yes, she's doing great here. Hasn't missed a day of school and is settling in really well." Millie became intrigued. This was about her. She left her bed and climbed down the stairs to hear better. "Oh well, that wasn't her fault. She couldn't control that." Anne went quiet for a while. "You can't do that! She hasn't been here that long." Millie's eyes went wide and she gasped. "Please, she hasn't even been here that long. We love her ma'am." Anne went quiet but she could hear the woman's quiet crying.

"How long do we have?" Sarah must have taken the phone when Anne began to cry. "2 weeks isn't enough, can you give us 3?" Sarah sounded angry. "Fine. 2 and half it is. I guess we'll be seeing you then." Sarah hung up without even saying goodbye.

Millie felt her eyes well up with tears. She ran back to her room and went under the covers to quietly sob. Why she ever thought that this could be her forever family was beyond her.

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