Inner surface isn't what it seems

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Kai Jiang Yi's expression changed.

It was one of surprise at first, then one of absolute satisfaction. He was shocked at first, he didn't expect his very own mother to hatch such a malicious plan, but nevertheless he was satisfied with it, as he imagined that wretch of a sister's expression when she was dealt with.

He stood up and supported his mother out the door, but he was stopped mid way, an angry voice was heard calling to him, he suddenly froze.

"Where do you think You are going?!"
Kai Feng Li Yelled at the two silhouettes, as he swayed towards them.

"Kai Jiang Yi! I am not done with you yet! You are to receive your punishment at the ancestral hall to pray for a month, I will personally apologise to the heavens sect! As for Yue'er..." his voice trailed off and he turned to face the beautiful girl sitting quietly.

"Yue'er, I know that your brother is an idiot to have provoked the heavens sect, and I naturally do not wish for them to seek trouble with you, after they learn that you are that bastards sister, they won't let you of, so to protect you I will have to make you wear a veil, is that alright?"
He spoke gently, his expression was one of absolute kindness.

Kai Jiang Yi was shivering, he didn't understand why his father was using such a tone to describe him, he was enraged that he could even utter 'bastard' and 'idiot' at his own son!

He suddenly yelled,

"Father! How could you! Y-you speak so softly to that trash and yet you banish my sister and me to the ancestral ha-"
He was cut of immediately.

"Shut Up!"

"You bastard have caused enough trouble already! Leave!"

He yelled furiously, his expression changed from one of doting and love to anger and hatred.

He despised the whole Chu family, and honestly he used to dote too heavily on his only son, but now it seems that he was incredibly wrong, as that very child has offended the whole heavens sect!

He let his sister off with her life as she was still his child, but such a young child, could scheme to take her own sisters life! Furthermore he hadn't realised that all his past misfortunes where all tied with that scheming child! If such children where left unattended, what havoc would they cause?

It seems that both Chu Yue Yi's children are a lost cause. His only successor for the family is just a cheating stealer that offends people that they can't offord to offend, and Chu Tue Yi's only daughter is to smart for her own good, and even dares to lie to her own father!

Kai Jiang Yi clenched his fists and walked away with his shivering mother, he didn't forget to give one last glare at Kai Yue Ling before walking out.

Yue Xing stares after the silhouettes of the mother and son pair and a ray of light glazed through her beautiful pair of eyes.

-Time Skip A Week Later-

In that week Kai Jiang Yi was being punished at the ancestral hall, he returned having bruises and cuts after spending such a long time there, his body's condition was severely damaged and Kai Feng Li took him to show the heavens sect that he had indeed been punished and that their debt was resolved. However that was all one the surface, no one knew if it really pleased the heavens sect leader that he would actually consider the debt to be settled.

Only time could tell if it really was.

A week passed after the punishment  and the time to start school at Xian Shu Academy had fully commenced.

In a court yard, however, things were peaceful and calm.

As asked, Yue Xing but on her white veil.

Her pale blue gown was flowing with the wind, complimenting her Snow White skin and her water glazed eyes that shone like crystals, her long eyelashes fanned her eyes and her eyebrows were straight.

Her hair flowed naturally down her slender back, with half her hair tied into a ponytail and the rest flowing neatly down.

She looked just like an unearthly godess, something the norm would not be able to touch.

Her beauty shocked even the maids that were combing her hair, even making them flush red at the sight of  her stunning  face.

Qiu Mei complimented,
"Young Miss! You look so stunning! You are so beautiful that you look just like a goddess that's carved and sculpted from Jade! Your face is perfect! Who said that Feng Zhen Die was the number one beauty in this continent? It's obviously young Miss!"

Yue Xing was in a daze when she heard Qiu Mei's words, she lazily replied,

"Qiu Mei thank you for your nice words but my beauty is just  above average, your words are stretching it a bit. Also who is Feng Zhen Die?"

Suddenly Qiu Mei was at a lost of words to say.

She just didn't understand their young Miss anymore.

The young Miss before would always smile when someone complimented her, but now she not only didn't smile but she even said her beauty is only a bit above average!

'If her beauty is just  above average for her, then wouldn't Feng Zhen Die be considered average? Then what would she be?'
She was absolutely stunned clueless and all she could mutter out was,
"Young Miss! Nubi was telling the truth..."

Her expression was one of being absolutely wronged, she looked like an abandoned puppy that was pleading to be accepted by their owner.

"Enough. Let's go."

Yue Xing patted her head like someone that pats a puppy. Then got up to leave.

Qiu Mei was again stunned witless.

'Did owner just pat me? Wait! Did I just call Young Miss owner?'

She quickly shakes  her head and walks out to assist Her Miss into the carriage.

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