Everyone knows life sucks

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Monday August 21,2149

So, this morning I woke up to the sound of Kye breathing deeply. It was peaceful. I was on his chest and I could hear his heart beating. It's a steady sound not like the hum of the ship this more primal like a drum beating. It was enough to wake me looking around. I remember the night before, falling asleep on his chest as he talked.

As quietly as I can slide off his chest to the floor, then slip out the door. Turning I feel satisfied with myself for this very 007 escape until I literally turn into a man.

"Sorry." I say walking away a strange smile on my face.

He looks me over in my plainclothes clearly having been slept in."What's your business in this house?"

"Nothing." I say ducking under him walking away at a healthy pace.

"Hey kid!"

I pretend not to hear and break into a full run to the station. He runs after me but I'm younger by forty years easily and makes it to the platform just as the train pulls starts to pull out. I jump the turnstile sliding my pass card over the scanner as I tumble into the car.

The old man is on the platform yelling things I could never repeat. One man turns to look at me. "Rough night?"

Shaking my head no I say. "More strange then rough."

"You didn't rob that guy did you?"

"It's a misunderstanding that has nothing to do with him."

He shakes his head,"That was the chief of this sector so if I was you city girl I would stay away from here for a while."

"Great." I sink into my seat until the train stops at the city central station.

Walking along the familiar streets I find my way to Lori's apartment. She opens the door, takes one look at me then grins like she just won a prize.

I know what she is thinking. "Nothing happened."

"You can't lie to me." She laughs ushering me into the apartment. "You know people only say that when something really great or really bad happened so which is it?"

Sitting on her cough I let my still pounding heart calm down. "Great." She smiles with mad delight. I reach out to calm her. "Just hear me out I kinda spent the night with a guy."

Her eyes get wide as she lets out a high pitched squeal,"How was it hurt?"

"No we didn't have sex." I assure her and only roll my eyes a little when her face falls.

She composed herself getting both of us drinks and she handed me mine. I drain the cup, the last thing I remember drinking was the tea last night. The lack of liquid mixed with the run has left me parched. My mind was spinning with crazy thoughts. My fear of the unknown was slipping away like sand.

Lori hands me her cup as she gets up to refill my glass. I sip this drink thinking over what I can tell her. Matches are highly classified until the ceremony.

"Details please."

"He lives in the farmlands and I haven't known him for long , only four days really. But, last night I had a nightmare and needed to talk to someone. I don't know if he was the only one who would understand."

"Understand what?" She's hurt. I know I've only told her every Secret and fear I've ever had since I was five."

"He's nineteen and unmatched."

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now