A Party that I Joy

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Saturday December 12, 2149

So, lots to do when declaring. First I turned in my application to the advanced program of repairs. Of course I was accepted since Robbie is the one oversees that applications. Mecha is the station but there are many branches of the service. I don't want to be stuck recycling oil or going into the sewers once more than enough me. I want to work on the electrics fixing things that's what I'm good at it.

I've already packed up my school uniforms and sent them off to reclaim. My closet looks so deserted now, soon it will have my work uniforms in it. I'll get them on monday along with my new schedule of classes. Now I'll be going to the college, the college is more a trade school where class are specifically designed for your chosen field.

I'm way beyond excited for them to start.All my classes will be in engineering or mathematics.Robbie agreed to keep me on as his apprentice. The section chief doesn't normally train someone. I'm special he says I could replace him one day. Chief DeRovia...well I'd be a Sinclar by then. That's my alterant plan if we don't go down to the planet.

"Dylan," Mom says from my door. "Lori's here."

Closing my tablet I nod, "Here to take me to a party no doubt."

She give me a hug whispering "Don't drink to much and hydrated."

"Yes, Doctor."

Lori is wearing her favorite party dress she looks at me in my denim pants and red shirt. "You look comfortable."

I roll my eyes and she drags me down the hall. "Where are you taking me?"

"To a party in the singles."

"The singles?" On the weekends the singles party hard, drugs, alcohol and debauchery.

Lori nods. "Come on your a career gal now. It's not a hardcore party just some friends I made at work."

I breath easy then. Lori knows I'm not the type to party hard the way she'll do sometimes. We enter the apartment and it isn't loud or wild like I thought. There is music playing and the smell of comfort foods along with fruity alcoholic smell. There are seven others in the room all older then me but not to old.

"Everyone this is Dylan."

They all say hi then I feel a wave of shyness slam into me. "Hi."

Lori pulls me in gently. "This is Jordan and his wife Holly."

The two nod, Jordan has red hair and an easy going smile to suggesting that under his normal exterior there's a sly mischievous person. Holly however Is more intuitive her gray eyes pop against her skin. They look like the most unusual pairing but then again pairing is also about being diverse keeping the population from being to so Looking at her closely I can see that there's some African and her not as pronounced as other people. Watching the two of them as they set out plates laughing, they seem to be happy.

"That Scott and his wife Max."

Max has short raven hair in a pixie cut that makes her look angular along she porcelain complexion she looks more like a living doll. While Scott with his stringy blonde hair is the tallest person here. They are talking on a couch looking at movie title having a deep conversation in a language I've never heard.

"That Henri he's a single."

Henri nods holding up a glass of wine his the lights shining off the top of his bald head. "But always ready for a good time."

Max playful shakes her head saying something in her asian tongue. He replies as Scott joins them settling whatever augment they are having. It ends with the three or them all laughing smiling. I look to Holly, she gives me the they do this all the time nod.

"Did you bring me to an orgie?" I whisper urgently into Lori's ear.

Lori snorts out a laugh. "No"


An hour later we're playing Truth or Lie with some raspberry wine we're not drink yet but we all a buzz. Lori has getting into trouble look but I let go. It's nice to be around other young people not school people but people working. We've had a good meal talked about work, family, the planet and of course the holiday.

Truth or Lies. It's a drinking game you tell a truth or lie the other get together and decide if its truth or not. If they guess right you drink if they're wrong they drink. We aren't a very original people more practical not dressing anything up just letting be the way it is.

"Okay." Henri says to us. "The first time I ever got drunk I streaked across my parents back field and woke-up naked on the train platform."

It's a lie, I noticed it during the first round when he lied he'd tap the glass with his thumb. Leaning in to the groups I say. "Lie."

Jordan says "You don't know this guy he's wild."

"Maybe but for a first time?" Max asks looking over at the bald man he's smiling.

"I vote true." Lori says.

"True," Scott says agreeing.

"Fine," I say. "I like this wine anyway and it's not like any of us will be driving."

"Truth." We all say.

He puts his hand over the glass. "It wasn't my first time but it did happen."

We all drink in good fun except for Jordan who is glaring at me. "Um Holly I think your man is coming down with SBS."

There is a ripple of giggles as Jordan scoffs at me. "I am not."

Lori refills her glass, "Your tone is not helping your case."

Henri looks around. "What's SBS?"

"Its medical slang used for upper woman it means Sudden Bitch Syndrome."

Holly looks at me, "How do you know that?"

I drink my sweet tart wine. "My mother is a doctor."

Now since we're all buzzing like bees I see Max's eyes burning with questions and topics that we've all been avoiding. I look at Lori then at the red faces of the others. "I am not drunk yet but if you have a question about my personal life I will answer it or drink it."

Scott pounces on me. "Are you sleeping with him?"

"No, I'm fourteen."

Holly breaths out in relief that spreads to her husband. "But, you are a relationship with him?"

"It is so complicated at this point that I can say yes we are together."

"What if you don' pair?"

I feel my face redden I know I'm his one and only. "I'll still love him after all that's happen the last few months there's nothing that can change how I feel now."

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now