Pre-Party Rules

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Friday January 28th, 2150

"Why are we here, Robbie?" Cole says yawing this was his first day off since the crisis. I had classes and plans with Lori tonight so I would like to be home getting a shower not here for a surprise meeting. Also its shift change so the room is very packed with smoke, grease and sweat.

He holds up silver cards with gold writing on them. "Invitations to the Astro-club you get one you show-up without it and you don't get in."

"And we want in." A male voice says passionately.

It was followed by a bunch of. "Hell yeahs."

Robbie puts his hands up. "Quiet down." He looks down at his boots. "They also sent along a dress code."

"A dress code?"

He nods. "You grease addicts will love this. Rule one, all guest will be freshly washed with clean formal wear."

"Get you red shoes out Dee." Cole says smirking.

I scoffed punching his arm, "I sold those ugly things I'm wearing my boots."

Cole nods and others agree. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious we ashamed of what we do?" I challenge the whole room.

"Hell no." They answer in a united cheer.

Going I say. "We wear boot but clean just fine."

Robbie clears his throat. "Can I go on now?"

I nod. "Two skirts and dress should be knee length or longer." He pauses to let us comment in a colorful language.

"Robbie I hate skirts and dress." A older woman, Goldie I think her name is says.

"You can wear pants Goldie but anyone wanting to wear a skirt will have it knee length right?" He glares at me.

I feel the smile on Coles face. "So I could wear a skirt if I wanted?"

Robbie looks at his tablet shaking his head, I think in this one moment he regrets me declaring as a Mecha. "Yes."

"But for the love of god shave your legs." An old timer says. Again the room roars with laughter even Robbie creaks a smile.

"Three all men with long hair will wear it up in with buns or low ponytails. Four...All tattoo of a prophain nature will be covered."

"This is bullshit."

"Not all tattoos need to be covered," He yells over the increasingly agitated crowd. "Just an tattoo of graphic nudity and any scene that glories death or destruction."

I won't go into details about what was said just that it was bad and there was a lot of suggestions about where to put our boots. He lets us yell about it for a full minute before he finishes. "This is the last one. No cameras or recording devices are permitted in the club."


"Mom I'm home," I call into the apartment.

"We're in here." She calls from her bedroom.

Walking into the room I note that the bed is pushed together now. What greets me is my father in his dress blue guard uniform. While Astro-crop wear white uniforms the guards wear navy blue. These are the same one's he paired in. Mom is measuring out places where she'll let out the suit or bring it down. "Hey Little Bit how was work?"

"Good I got our passes for the party." I hold up the heavy card with the golden letters. "Oh and we have a dress code."

Mom snickers not looking up from her place "How did that go over?"

"There were angry comment that I won't repeat to someone in your delicate condition." I say smartly laying on the bed watching the two of have silent adult conversion.

Dad chuckles, "Do they think we'll show-up in boxers and tank-tops."

Laying down I laugh humorlessly. "Just a subtle reminder of where we stand."

Mom looks at me, "What did you do."

"Nothing just a reminder that we aren't ashamed of who we are."

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