Chapter 2~ Indecisive

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I looked up at Jace, bewildered that he said my entire name as the second part of his words slowly interrupted my first thoughts. No one called me by my first name in years. Hearing it now seemed foreign and forgotten.

I'd left my past; more like been kicked out of my old life, so quite frankly he made no sense. There was no one who cared for me back in Arizona. If there was, they would have come looking, years ago.

"How do you know that name?" My wolf was making her presence known speaking for me. I was no longer attached to that name.

Jace let me figure it out.

"Who have you spoken to?" I whispered, fearful of the possibilities.

Jace ran his fingers through his hair, grumbling under his breath. He could see me working myself up into a frenzy and still he did not speak.

"Don't waste my time," I warned.

I watched him thoroughly, studying his posture and breathing. It seemed like he was trying to find the best way of answering my question.

I noticed Jace face flushing with a hint of anger. I threatened him. "Don't forget who your talking to." His voice rose only a few notches.

My wolf didn't follow under anyone's ruling. There was still human in me to respect Jace's authority, but at this moment it wasn't the human in me talking.

"And don't think I can be controlled by any. Even you." I refrained from using eye contact but stood fast, snarling with an urge to shift. My power simmer the air.

"So ... you're going to run from your past again?" Jace growled out.

He was seriously misinformed. "You know nothing." I was close to shifting; my hot to the touch skin, quickly burned out all my sweat.

"Then tell me. All I know is that you ran away from your pack." I could see clearly, he was trying to reach me at a level he never had before. I did not want to remember the truth of my old pack. Not this openly.

I looked at him long and hard. "I did not run away," my eyes drew in dark spots in my vision, as if the memory was blinding. I realized they were tears. I hadn't cried in years and here I was, not realizing it until a tear fell from my eyes. "I enjoy the company of woman," I spat out as if he hadn't known. He did. I'd freely slept with a few women from his pack with his knowing. Marie being left only to touch in his pack. "Story short, I was forced out."

"Because you like other women?" Jace wasn't naive to the ways of other packs and their laws and beliefs.

"That I was the daughter of a powerful Alpha and liked women."

"Gentry is your father?" Jace more like guessed than asked.

I was surprised by how quickly he figured that out and nodded. Gentry was a known Alpha. "I'm only giving you this much information because you have never given me reason to not trust you and you trusted me never knowing who I was. But that is all I'll give you." I turned my face to the side, staring at the front door. Whoever he talked to, I could smell a faint aroma of wolf that I hadn't smelled in years. I couldn't place who that scent belonged to. The chemicals in this house made it hard to notice until now. "You let them come into your territory?" I snarled baffled that he hadn't warned me.

"Just try, and talk to—"

"No," I roared. My eyes dark gold shimmered, my skin feeling as if second degree burns were beginning to occur. I grimaced, clutching my teeth closed.

"Fight your wolf," Jace shouted, pleading for me to try.

What he still didn't get till this day is that I didn't want to fight.

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