Chapter 3~ Human Emotions

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Six days. Six days of pacing and never getting any closer to deciding, until now. I'd growled, impatient with myself. My wolf was half curious to why anyone from my past would be looking for me. It would not be to welcome me back with open arms. They needed something from me. That much I would bet my next kill on.

Standing, on all fours near Jace's home I'd made the choice of facing who was inside. Part of me wanted to show them I was different. That I would kill without hesitation, any who threatened me again. I was different from who I was when I was forced out. If they thought to treat me like before they'd have a horrible consequence for it. I stifled my growls as if even my wolf didn't have control over my vocals.

I ran up the porch, stopping in front of the door. It was already open. There wasn't a time I remembered it closed. It seemed the pack was always running in or out.

I snarled purposely loud, making my presence further known and giving fair warning to the long ago Were I smelled. The aroma a faint scent of Rosemary's and burnt wood, stung my snout like fresh spices. I could almost taste the scent in my mouth, as the aroma danced around a bit longer. It had been a long time since I smelled that scent. My old packs scent.

I wasn't going to acknowledge the wolf's presence right away.

Motioning inside, I noticed Jace standing to the far right of his home. Someone was sitting behind him on the other side of the sofa. He looked pissed.

I had told Marie to give me a few days and it took me basically a week. Too bad. I answered to myself and I would never let him forget that.

"You could have at least come human," Jace said tapping his foot against his hardwood floor. I could tell he was trying not to sound agitated.

I knew he was. I snarled giving him my answer. It took me all of twenty minutes to shift. I could feel someone watching me as my shift ended. Right on time, Marie came in with a pair of clothes, winking at me. She looked me up and down before Jace dismissed her.

Shaking my head, I saw no point in putting on clothes. I'd be gone in minutes. I stood naked in front of Jace, Marie, and the unwanted company. Weres always shifted in front of each other never prude to showing themselves. I on the other hand had no modesty in any situation.

My legs shook a bit, trying to adjust to my human form.

"Are you in control?" Jace sounded as if he was someone I answered too and I growled reminding him otherwise.

"I am my own wolf. No one else's," I told him, my eyes shimmering gold to remind him. "You could not control me...if you tried. So be my ally. Do not act like my fucking Alpha." My wolf was in control of every word; thick and wolfish. Jace huffed nodding and I finally looked towards the Were who came all this way to see me.

When my eyes locked on hers, I nearly gasped aloud. I quickly shifted my expression unreadable and hard and she instantly averted away.

Nina. Out of all fucking Weres to show up. I snarled again turning away. I headed for the door. "I've seen enough," I breathed out. My wolf would tear this house apart if I lingered around Nina any longer.

Jace called to me and I ignored. The second time he called, he rushed, blocking my way out and I knew right then, my wolf had enough of his blocking and standing in my way of an exit. In abnormal speed, I clutched onto his shirt slamming him into the wall next to the door, and immediately half his pack came rushing in growling. Most of them respected me but I'd just physically laid my hands on their Alpha. I wouldn't blame them if they attacked. Not that they'd succeed at harming me.

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