Chapter 21(how dare you?)

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"How dare you say that to me ,do you know what have been through, rich people like yourselves all you do is judge like you're perfect ,well lemme drop it to you honey you're not". Fortunately he had reached his house and had stopped the car,I ran out like a scared child to get my things and get the hell out of here.

I stumbled unto something in the room and I fell I cried out bitterly not because of the pain but because of his words he criticised me like he knew me which made me think if I knew him before ,he judged me like I was an opened book but I wasn't .I mean how could he do that.

He pounced into the room and I got up to him ready for a fight .

"So what were you saying back there that I judged you,that am not perfect and who gave you the right to say that,now let me warn you this is my house and you'll obey my rules okay". He thundered living me speechless..

" I hate you,I hate you".I said continually as I banged his chest .
"You definitely don't know how it feels to loose a loved one, not to talk of losing a father in one night and then almost getting raped,that's why you stand there talking sh*t about me,I lost my home, my dignity and then my father still you stand there and judge,how dare you".I said as I cried bitterly, truth be told his words had hurt me a lot.

I guessed he felt remorseful for his harsh words as he moved closer to console me but the deed had already been done plus I didn't tell him that to gain pity but because I was done with this conversation.

I stormed out of his room and went downstairs all I cared about right now was living his house in peace.

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