chapter 23

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I woke up to find myself in a cool, warm well made bed,were my eyes deceiving me I mean I don't remember anything after the fall ,neither do I remembering getting into a well furnished house again, I this didn't look anything like an hospital.

During my confusion I guess I didn't notice a man walk in and seat in front of me.

"You're awake". He said as he startled the life out of me .it was my.............angel ,how did he get here and wait was I back at Hus house, no this must have been a dream but as much I looked around it only shown that this was nothing but reality.

" what dah ,why am I here".and as I was about to move ,I felt a huge pain on my head ,which made me hold my head in agony,there was a bandage on my head,but would my angel do all this ,never mind that wouldn't make me forget what he said to me.

"Am sorry for startling you, its just you've been unconscious for five days".

What !!!five days ,was he joking.

" what,have been here for five days".

"Yes". He said concerned.

" well now that am awake I want to go home so please let me go"


"No!,what do you mean no".(m)

" you'll still sick you need to rest ".(my angel)

He's reply made me even angrier.

" If I want to rest I'll rest somewhere else ,OK now let me go or I'll charge you for kidnap".I said harshly .this made him chuckle ,and his chuckle definitely infuriated me even more.

"Well no matter what you say I wouldn't let you go ,okay so stop resisting and be grateful I found you". He replied.

" be grateful for what ,did I ask you to save me ,let me tell you this I  would rather die than to be saved by an idiot like yourself,okay".my words definitely touched him as he became quite and look at me strangely .he was about yo reply when a man dressed corporately walked in .both our gaze quickly shifted to man on suit.

"She's awake". The corporate man said excitedly like he had been waiting for me to regain consciousness.

" yes doctor, and her tongue is as sharp as ever".the both men giggled. And I rolled my eyes .

"Good morning ma'am ,am Philip, doctor Philip and I have been treating you for the past five days,Mr Cole here had saved you from a car accident and he brought you to his house immediately,you should be grateful to him for his kindness and grateful to God for your fast recovery". He said,then I looked straight into the doctors eyes and back at my angel who I now know as Mr Cole .I understood what had happened now and even though I was angered at Mr Cole's behaviour but I was still indebted to him for saving my life again.

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