chapter 24

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After Mr Philip left I didn't say a word ,I made sure I remained quiet I didn't want to start a conversation with Mr Cole or whatever his name is.

"So now that you know my name what's yours". He said interested.

" none of your business ".I replied.

" really".as he raised his eye brow.

"Well miss none of your business,what were doing in the middle of road almost lifeless,ugh".

" well,Mr Cole did it not occur to you that nobody plans to be lifeless in the middle of the road ,ugh!!.

"Plus my name is Marlie ,read my lips M..a...r..l....i....e......,okay .I said as I  illustrated my name through my lips.
and he nodded in affirmation.

" thank you for saving my life though that was really nice of you".I said emotionless.

"That's okay,glad to help,but will miss Marlie accept my apology".

"What apology" I asked.

"Well Marlie I know I hurt you that day and am sorry I didn't mean what I said, it's just I hate cheap and promiscuous girls and that was why I was so mean to you,Marlie am sorry". As much as he said sorry I couldn't just come to terms with what he said ,he called me a prostitute for crying out loud that was a blow to my belly .but my dad thought me to forgive ,God must have wanted me to forgive him too right and that's why he allowed him to save me.

" and plus am sorry about your dad ,we found his body buried at an isolated area".his words pierced me .

"How do you know my dad?".

" well after your little confession during that day I went through the room and found a picture where you left some clothes you forgot ,a picture that matched a deceased victim ,I put two and two together and found out the he was your dad"

He was right I did forget his picture back at the house while I stormed out  that night .hearing this news made tears roll down from my eyes ,to be sincere these past days have been filled with tears and sorrows I new my dad was dead but I didn't want to remember but now I had been reminded.

As I cried even more ,Mr Cole came closer to me and hugged me tight ,he repeatedly told me it would be okay but I knew that wasn't true, my life had changed now and I couldn't decide my fate .although I was struck by sadness but me in Mr Coles arms made me  feel safe and warm ,we hugged for about 20 minutes when I withdrawn and cleaned my tears with my hands.

He stood up gently and walked out of the room I guess he knew I needed space.

Magnificient.     حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن