chapter 27

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I couldn't wait for the trip,I dreamt about it all night,when I finally woke up it was still 5am ,oh common time speed up,but no time waits for no one and it continue at same pace , I sat down on the bed and waited patiently for sunset and slept for a little while and woke up by 8am ,gosh I slept for long that's for sure anyway i went straight to the bathroom got dressed and put some make up on I looked divine,and am not just saying it even the mirror told me so .

In my heart I prayed to God that I wouldn't faint like before.after I finished up I left for door  I opened the door and saw Mr Cole there he was all dressed up I guess he was about to knock,he looked too handsome and charming to be sincere i have never seen such a man as beautiful as Mr Cole but I kept my cool .

"I see you're ready ,Marlie".

" yes ".I replied.

And then he walked in but he wasn't alone he was with the doctor ,what was Mr Philip doing here.

"Miss Marlie I told you yesterday not to get up and for you to rest". Mr Philip said .I wrapped my arms around each other in so much anger.

" but------

"Don't say a word miss Marlie, you would not step out ,do you want to get yourself killed,as a doctor I can only tell you the truth,and Mr Cole I thought you would know better". He turned to Mr Cole.

" its not Mr Cole's fault Sir I made him do it".I said in his defence.

"I know Marlie but he would have known better .now rest will you". Oh gosh just what I needed.a baby sister.

" well I would be on my way,take care Marlie".I smiled back at him as he left after giving Mr Cole some drugs for me.

I was so frustrated ,just when I thought I would go out and now this, really!!!ugh I hate doctors and I definitely hate being sick .Mr Cole got my expression and turned to me .
"Don't worry Marlie you'll be fine soon".and he winked ,he's wink was suspicious I knew he had a plan and I winked back .I was right .after about two minutes of bidding the doctor goodbye he came straight to me..

" still ready for that road trip ".he said and smiled, I was so happy and I nodded back with excitement written all over my face .Then he held me back." but Marlie promise me you won't fall sick again ".and I held his hands back ," I promise".

"OK then let's go". He said as I beamed with so much joy.

" you would have to choose the car you want ".he said.

" Really".he nodded back at me.

"Well then I choose the green one". I said ,to be sincere I haven't smiles so much for days ,this was just what I needed .I hoped into the car and he said beside me st the drivers seat .we talked about a lot of things and laughed,he wasn't very good at joking so I did all the jokes while he laughed ,looking at us made me remember stuffs and also made me smile ,he's smile by the way lit up the whole journey this was definitely a trip like no other.

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