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I already forgave you, Jungkook.

"I know~"

So why are you still being so nice to me?

He just shrugged at my question. "Because I want to?"

Jungkook has been on his best side the whole freaking week and it's starting to creep me out. I already told him that I don't have any grudges against him but he still wasn't bothered and continued like before. At that point i already gave up.

I give up. Do you want to come to my place after school? I still have homework to finish :)

"Sure why not?" He said and slung an arm around my shoulder and guided me into the classroom.


"Finally! Man, that was a long day..." jungkook said with a loud yawn and a stretch.

I nodded.

Sorry to burst your bubble but we still have to do homework.

He glared at me as I told him the info he dreaded to hear.

Come on, let's get going.

We walk in a comfortable silence, when Jungkook decided to break it.

"Do you live alone?"

I usually do, but my mom comes sometimes and visits me without any permission. But I'm home alone now.

He nodded, an undefined smile creeping up on his face. We soon reached my apartment. I put the key in the lock and push the door open. To our surprise was a figure standing in the kitchen, back facing us. I knocked on the table to catch the attention of the figure.

"Hello Y/n, my darling~ how was school?" My mom asked. I gave her a thumbs up. She glanced behind me and saw a wild Jungkook standing in my living space.

"Hello Mrs. Kim. My name is jungkook, I'm a friend of Y/n." He greeted, shaking mothers hand.

"Nice, to meet you Jungkook."

I pointed to the ceiling, indicating that we will be in my room. She gave us a nod and a quick smile to Jungkook. We went to my bedroom and flopped onto the bed.

Let's start with math okay?

"Sure. I hate math anyway." He chuckled.

I smiled at his cuteness.

Who doesn't?

"The ones who are good at it." I agreed with that statement.


I'm done. Do you need help?

I glance over to Jungkooks work. He was still stuck on the first question.

"I don't get it." He whined. I pinched his cheek and started to explain it with easier questions. He soon got it and finished his work in minutes.

I stared at him the whole time like a creep. Jungkook noticed.

"Take a picture, then it will last longer~" he smirked. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink and I immediately stared down at my palms.


He lifted my chin up with his index finger, so I can look at him.

"Did you know that you are really pretty?" He stared into my eyes. I shook my head violently.

Is it just me or is his face coming closer? Is he going to kiss me ?!?!!? Mayday mayday!!!!

His big doe eyes started to close as he got closer to me. My first instinct would be to push him away but I didn't do it. My body didn't function properly anymore, so I just started to lean in.

By now we are pretty close to each other, that I could feel his breath hitting my face. His breath smelled like mint. Our noses brushed against each other. I closed my eyes. Our lips were 0.1 cm away when...I heard my mom yelling like a maniac and stomping into my room.


Im so evil~ ;)
Author-nim JIMOUT!

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