✿ 𝓈𝓊𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓎 ✿

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He's on patrol when he decides to order some flowers for delivery. He gets a bouquet of azaleas because Wade's somehow allergic to roses. Then he's back to watching the streets. When he goes to check in and hang out with the rest of the Avengers for a bit, they're in complete chaos.

Thor is nowhere to be found, he's somewhere upstate in New Asgard. Natasha has Clint pinned to the walls with daggers. Cap is looking through a book of floral arrangements and crying. Bruce is two shades of green too close to hulking out. And Tony is sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. Peter clears his throat.

"Did I miss something?"

"Pepper thinks it's going to be too much of an 'appearance' if we go out Thursday. Capsicle is trying to buy the perfect flowers for who knows. And Clint laughed when Nat said she had a date."

"Oh." He walks up to the ceiling and sits there so he is out of the immediate danger zone. "Congratulations, Nat. But uh- why is Dr. Banner so...green."

"Sam keeps popping in to throw things at him," Tony says and as if on cue, Sam Wilson is peeking into the lounge area and tossing sweet heart candies at him. He nods.

Peter focuses on Clint first. His predicament is the most troubling.

"Why don't you have a family day?" Peter says sagely. "You could spend the day going to all the touristy spots the kids have never been, maybe go on the ferry then go out for dinner."

"Having a family day doesn't seem very romantic to me, kid," Clint says, still pinned.

"Your kids deserve to know you love them too, right?"

Clint doesn't look totally sold on the idea, but he's been silent for long enough thinking it over that Natasha cuts him down and walks out of the room with a pat on Spiderman's head. He fixes his gaze on Tony next, tries to help the guy come up with a plan B, but everything he says is met with speculation. He gives up soon after.

Steve won't tell anyone who the flowers are for so he can't very well help him either.

Sam's met some smart science living girl at the Café but Bruce won't help him impress her with his limited knowledge of science. Peter's sentiment for him to be himself falls into deaf ears. He's almost glad Wade calls when he does.

"Hey 'Pool. Yeah, I'm on my way now." He looks around at the less chaotic mess of pitiful Avengers and stands up, stretching before walking back down the wall and towards the open window. "Deadpool's looking for me. It's video game night!" he says excitedly. He doesn't know what possesses him to tell them that, but he does and it's like a small weight is off of his shoulders and he wants to share more, but he doesn't. He's out the window and swinging off to their place.


"I don't know why you don't just tell them you're married," Wade says, his head in Peter's lap while they play Mario Kart.

"It just never feels like the right time," responds Peter. "Then they're going to want to know to who and I don't want to quit my job just because they don't like you. They barely know you and the few times I've ever heard them talk about you it's about how unpredictable you are."

"I don't care what the A-Team says about me, baby boy. You know that."

Peter pauses the game and looks down into Wade's mix-matched eyes.

"But I don't like the way they talk about you. I'm not going to just stand there and listen to it."

"I'm not forcing you to tell them, Petey-Pie, I'm just saying maybe you'd feel better if you did, but you shouldn't quit your job for me."

"You did," Peter murmurs.

"I was running around murdering people for cash in my free time. Now I'm doing the same thing but for SHIELD. I just got new management, and you know it." He's smiling up at Peter. "We both did. You're not a vigilante anymore. You're a big bad Avenger now, snookums!"

"I'm going to tell them," Peter says softly. Then he brightens up. "Any plans for Thursday?"

"I'll have to check. My husband sent the most beautiful flowers to my SHIELD office requesting a date. Any secret trysts will have to be postponed until after."

Peter snorts.

"Seems the romantic type, this husband of yours."

"Disgustingly so," Wade says smiling up at him.

"Must get so boring."

"No, the sex is fantastic. He can do this thing with his tongue-"

He's cut off when Peter kisses him and aforementioned tongue finds its way into Wade's mouth. They head into the bedroom, the game long forgotten.

When they're both sweating and glowing and tired, they snuggle into each other and Wade cards a hand through his hair.

"When I tell them about us," Peter says and somewhere between the couch and their third romp through the sheets, he's decided that he will tell the Avengers, "I'm going to tell them who I am too."

"Are you sure? Your secret identity is like your whole shtick!"

"I only had it to protect everyone, but May's gone now. Ned's off in LA coding video games, MJ's in London doing whatever it is that she does when no ones watching and Harry's in a mental hospital. You're the only one left for me to protect, and you can protect yourself."

Wade doesn't say anything, he simply leans over, kiss Peter softly on the forehead and urges him to get some sleep.

"You know I love you, don't you, Wade? That I'd do anything for you? I'd hang up the suit if you really wanted me to."

"Of course I do, Petey. And you have to know I'd do the same for you."

Peter hums in agreement as he drifts off to sleep, pulling Wade even closer to him and putting a leg over his hip to find comfort. They fall asleep like that. Clinging to each other like letting go would be the end.

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