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"See you at work, baby," Wade says kissing Peter on the forehead and tugging his mask down. "Love you."

"Love you too," Peter mumbles back before pulling the blankets up around him. The next time he wakes up the room is empty and his alarm is blaring in his ear. He throws the sheets in the washer, gets in the shower and gets dressed with enough time to at least grab a granola bar before he's catching the subway to work again.

Much like the day before, someone is in Peter's lab when he arrives. Unlike before, it isn't Tony.

"Wade, I swear to your stuffed unicorn if that is you wearing a dress again-" he stops. "Oh, hi. Ms. Potts."

"You can just call me Pepper, Peter, you know that." At Peter's confused nod she smiles. "Tony told me."

He deflates. He isn't mad at Tony, he had just thought they were closer than this.

"Don't look so down. We're engaged, there isn't much he doesn't tell me anymore."

"I just...I wanted to tell everyone at once."

"Tell everyone what?" Pepper asks, and now she looks confused.

"Wait, what're you here for?" Peter says lookinf for clarification.

"Tony told me that the idea for a date night in was yours. He said you told him to make homemade pasta and everything." Peter nodded once she's finished.

"You don't like crowds. I remember you told me that when I first started working here. You were the one who got me my own lab because I kept having panic attacks from everyone being in my space and touching my things," he says and it's her turn to nod.

"And is it okay that I'm here now?" she's speaking quietly and he laughs a little, but he's nodding again.

"Yeah, it's fine now. You're family. I'm used to you and Tony and Wade in my space."

"Well that's good to hear." she's smiling at him then she narrows her eyes again. "But what were you saying before? What did you want to tell everyone at once?"

Peter balks. Not Spider-Man. Not Spider-Man. Not Spider-Man.

"Oh, about me and Wade. Deadpool, I mean. We're married. We've been married, but the other day Mr. Stark saw him here with flowers and then last night he came over to invite us out for a double date, I think, before I sent you both home. I thought he told you."

She laughs and its a soft tinkle of bells but then she wheezes and Peter can't help but laugh with her. The smile on her face is genuine which relaxes him enough so that his is too.

"No, he did not tell me that bit, but thank you for that." She walks over and ruffles his hair. "I'll leave you to your projects. Congratulations, by the way," she says and it sounds like there's a conspiratorical smile on her face and when Peter looks up there is. because next to her Deadpool is making heart hands against the window. He smiles fondly and thanks her again before walking over and dragging Wade into his lab.


When he clocks out of the office of one job and has to put on the suit for the other, he should have really seen it coming. It's the Friday after Valentine's day, of course new villains are going to surface and jewelry store robberies are going to be through the roof.

Spiderman and Deadpool are patroling the streets, stopping robbery after robbery when the ground starts to shake and there's a deafening screech from blocks away. Deadpool screams, then freezes in his tracks and turns glaring white eye holes on Spiderman. Spiderman glances over confused while webbing the last of the robbers to a lamp post. He uses one of their phones to call the police. Once they comfirm they're on their way he turns completely to face his husband, who is standing scarily still.

It's Valentine's Day, Spider-Hubby! [Spideypool]Where stories live. Discover now