✿ 𝓂𝑜𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓎 ✿

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Wade isn't next to him when Peter wakes up in the morning. The sheets are cold when he reaches a hand out. He realizes that it's Monday and Wade has to go in hours before him, though he usually wakes him up to say bye. He growls when his alarm goes off for the third time and he has to force himself out of bed, into the shower then into his clothes and lab coat before taking the subway to Stark Industries. He texts Wade on the way.

where are you? did you have a job this week?

nope. its a surpriseeeeee!!!1!1

Peter rolls his eyes fondly and puts his phone back into his pocket a small smile on his face the whole ride ready to get into his lab so he can finish work and go see Wade for lunch.

Deadpool is in his lab when he walks in and he freezes at the door, because why hadn't Wade told him this last night. Surprise or not, his face must scream castration because Deadpool is rushing to explain even as Tony stands off to the side with an indistinguishable yet confused expression.

"He~y, Petey-Pie, how's it hanging?"

"Wade," Peter says seriously with his arms crossed. "Why are you here? At my job? With my boss?"

"Surprise!" Wade says happily pulling a bundle of gardenias from behind his back. "I bought you flowers."

Peter can feel the blush and the dopey smile creeping onto his face even as he tries to hide it behind his hands.

"I hate you," he says walking over slowly to take the flowers and lean up on his toes to press a kiss to Wade's cheek over the mask. "Thanks, Wade, they're beautiful."

Mr. Stark clears his throat.

"I was just trying to make sure he wasn't bothering you. You're okay, right, kid?"

"Of course, Mr. Stark. Wade is mostly harmless."

Even Deadpool snorts at that and Stark motions between them.

"So- uh...how long has this been going on, exactly?"

"10 years?" Peter says like a question, but he's sure of it and shrugs. "I used to work at the Bugle for a few extra bucks when I wasn't interning here and he came in demanding to know who took the really good pics of 'Spidey's Ass'." The air quotes paired with his blank face shows how impressed he had been with the event.

"But we've been married for almost 8," Deadpool says happily while sitting on one of the steel tables and swinging his feet. He pulls Peter in by the waist to lay his face in the crook of the slightly younger man's neck and breathe in deeply. Peter sighs affectionately.

"Shouldn't you be at work, Wade?"

"Got bored. Wanted to see you."

"Go to work, you big baby." Peter says as he pulls away and kisses his husband's masked forehead. "Thank you for the flowers, but I'll see you for lunch."

Wade drops from the table to stretch then he's at the door. He points back at him.

"Only because I love you."

"Bye, Wade," insists Peter as the man groans and stomps away to the elevator. Peter starts moving over to the cabinets to see if he has anything to put the flowers in when he notices someone is still in the room with him. "Uh...did you need anything else Mr. Stark?"

"You're married to Deadpool?" he seems to be stuck between awe and confusion.

"Yeah?" Peter asks.

"And have been for the last 8 years?"


"Why didn't I get an invite to the wedding?"

"Oh," Peter huffs through a partial laugh, "We didnt have one. We just went to the courthouse. Aunt May and our daughter- she's his biological daughter- were there. We were just too busy for a wedding then May had gotten sick..." He shrugs.

"You're a good kid, Peter." Tony is looking at him very seriously, like he's a brand new person. "I know how rough things were for you when you lost May and I'm glad someone besides me and the other schmuck scientists here were able to help you through it. Don't tell him I said this, but you and Harley are like the sons I never had, ya know? So if you ever need anything or if you decide to actually have a big Stark Style wedding I'll pay for the whole thing." Peter opens his mouth to argue but Tony shakes his head. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. you deserve at least that much, okay?"

Peter yanks him forward and its probably the first time they've hugged since Peter was a teenager who kept having panic attacks at work because he could barely cope with his autism after Ben's death and he was full to the brim with anxiety.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark."

Once Mr. Stark is gone, Peter finds a vase with no problem. By lunch both he and Wade are called into meetings until they're too tired to do much more than grab a coffee from the lobby and catch the elevators back to their respective zones.


When Peter gets home nearing 5:30, Wade is already there. Has probably been there for a few hours. He's wearing only his boxers, one sock and his mask. The tv is off, but Wade is staring at it. Peter closes the door softly behind him, hangs up his coat and pads over to the couch, tugging the bigger man into his lap and wrapping their arms around each other.

"You want to talk about it?" asks Peter quietly, but Wade shakes his head. "Okay, so I'll talk. I found a nice vase for your flowers. I'm ahead on my project so I could probably take a day off sometime this week if you wanted to sleep in. Oh and Mr. Stark says he's happy for us. Said I was like a son to him and if we ever wanted to have a big wedding he'd pay for it."

Wade squeezes Peter tighter.

"You'd wanna marry me in front of the whole world?" he whispers into Peter's shoulder.

"As many times as it takes," Peter agrees.

They sit there until Wade is ready to move and Peter carries him to bed, easing his mask off and tucking him into bed.

"I'm gonna shower. Do you need anything?"

Wade shakes his head and Peter goes into the bathroom. The silence is calm, even if Wade is in immense pain and the voices are ripping his skull apart, it's calmer knowing his husband is there and when Peter finally crawls into the bed with him, it's enough for them to both fall asleep wrapped up in each other.

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