( I ) : Hell would be better

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He could feel the heat coming off her body and for the first time in his life He felt a fire burning his skin. Smothering him in its heat, her heat. No matter what he did he couldn't get enough of it. The taste alone drove him mad with lust. Lips smashed into each other almost violently.
Bodies melting into one.
The beast within him let out a deep growl and the moans in the women's throat beneath him could no longer be held back. "Nattssuu" sprung from her lips between breaths when their lips would part. To him it was a truly erotic.
   He buried himself deeper within her, indulging in her warmth, her scent, her sounds. He could not clearly see her face but he knew deep within himself that her knew this mysterious women
The sounds of panting  could be heard through the room with an ensemble of moans that made a symphony seem pathetic in comparison.
He told himself to be gentle but his beast wouldn't allow it. He clawed at her skin brushing it harshly; almost violently. Their kisses becoming more rough as the seconds ticked by.



Mine .....

The beasts voice rang out inside of his head. With its demon like tone controlling every movement, desire, and need within his body, mind and soul.
Not fully understand why.
  Black Horns grew from his head and wings sprung from his back along with razor sharp claws from his finger tips. He could clearly see the scales appear all over his body. Although the feature that caught him most off guard was the black and red demon black eyes that had replaced his onyx ones.
   His body now moving on its own accord became uncaring of the girl beneath him and just wanted pure pleasure at no expense. He called within himself to stop as his best dream turned into his worst nightmare.

"NO- LUCY" he yelled as he awoke in the middle of the night in a cold sweat that covert his entire body.  knowing what this dream meant; the end of everything and the beginning of everything he feared


Loud noises sounded through the old wooden floors. Almost making it  dance along to the rhythmic chattering  that was at a loud roar.
   All the noise in the world couldn't distract his smoldering gaze from the women that stood on the other side of the room: Her hips taunted him, breasts beckoned him, everything about her made his mouth water out of pure desire.
But he knew that if he tried to take her or merely confront her with his newly found intentions it would surely scare the porcelain beauty away.
     Suddenly he was awakened from his daze by a familiar voice that made its way through all the noise  "I can smell that scent radiating off of you- it's horrible" The iron slayer almost whispered this from afar to only where the two could hear.
"I have no idea what your talking about" he cocked his head back to face the mountain of iron that stood across the room "I can see your keeping your distance" the unmistakable evil grin adorned his face that completely contradicted his personality.
  " I don't want to be caught up in your affairs but if you hurt bunny girl I won't hesitate-" he was rapidly cut off. "You will do nothing" with a deep growl left the slayers throat. "You of all people know I would never hurt her" he paused and exhaled a breath he didn't know he had been holding "I'd rather damn myself for eternity than have this forced on her - hell would be easier than hurting her, at least the flames wouldn't be able to burn me"

With that the Secret conversation was over.

"Hey Nattsuu-" the blonde that sparked every desire of his beast was now only feet away. Her scent hit him like a ton of bricks. He inhaled as the succulent sent of strawberries and vanilla his nose. "Hello- earth to Natsu" the blonde waved her hand in-front of the males face.
"Hey- sorry - Luce I've been off lately " he gave an apologetic smile. His signature toothy grin that could light up the night sky.
"It's okay - but hey we need to go on a job I need the pay rent. The land lady is going to kill me if I'm late with it once again" he could see Lucy shudder at the thought of the land lady with her her clothes on again. But deep down he knew that she didn't buy his excuse, he could tell by the way she folded her arms in annoyance at his remark.
"I'm not feeling up to it this week- maybe next week" The words came tumbling out of his mouth and for a moment he couldn't recognize who he was. He had never turn down a job before, he was always eager to go on adventures with the people he loved but at this moment his better judgement told him not to chance it. "Umm- Natsu are you okay. I don't think I've ever heard you turn down a job before" The look of concern and her eyes nearly broke his heart but he knew that he couldn't tell her what was going on.

It would only hurt her

"Yeah I'm fine" he grinned nervously at the small women in front of him. Before her new it she had placed the back of her hand on his forehead-"Natsu" she paused with a bit of fear in her eyes "you're burning up..." the contact on his skin whipped at his beast. Screaming within himself
Touch her...



"Don't worry about it I'm fine"-"It happens all of the time" he said quickly as he stepped back from the thing he wanted most. "Natsu Dragneel not once since I've known you to be sick" her stubbornness was always causing him problems but he knew it was one of the things that he loved most about her.
"It's just some new training I've been doing - I promise I'm not sick" he wasn't technically lying to her because he wasn't sick but in that split second he came up with a way to get out of this situation quickly. "What kind of New training" she pouted her lips knowing damn well something was wrong. She had know this man for years and could tell when something wasn't right.
"By heating my body up I can generate and absorb more heat around me giving me an extra boost during a fight!" He exclaimed ecstatically trying to cover up the façade he had created to fool the women.

" whatever you say- I'll Believe you for now" she was so silently pouting. He wanted Nothing More than to lean in and kiss her doubts away. Roughly or genteelly; neither mattered to him. As long as he could have her. He found himself immersed in the thought of it. The taste of her lips, his tongue down her throat.
He wanted it all.
Given her personality he knew she would want to have control but his dominating personality would not allow it. His beast agreed with this. They both wanted her underneath them in a
moaning mess as he gave the world to her.
It would inevitably happen. She would be his as it was destined to be....

Word count 1229

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