(X): The End

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Note: I'm sorry but this is where the story ends. I have no more inspiration and honestly I'm okay with it ending this way. Thank everyone so much for reading this because honestly I thought that it would only get like 50 reads at most. However I'm up for a new challenge and will be writing more stories. Comment what you want the next one to be !! 

            It had been a week since Natsu took Lucy for the first time. Both Mages planned to return to the guild after a weeks time to make sure there wasn't any surprises and to let Natsu's hormones settle. As unpredictable dragons are both didn't want to take any chances. Although in all honestly a certain blonde wanted to wait till all of Natsu's 'love bites' would disappear.
   It was around 2am when Lucy first woke up  while tangled up with Natsu. The plan for them to return to the guild was tomorrow and for some odd reason Lucy was nervous. She couldn't explain how she was feeling but in the back of her mind she knew everything would be okay in the end and she would be with her Fairy Tail family soon.
    Natsu had somehow magically picked this up in his sleep that she was feeling off causing him to become half awake. 'Maybe it's the mate bond' he thought to himself. However he would let her be the first to speak.

"Hey Natsu ?" The blonde mages voice came out in the darkness that surrounded them in darkness
"Yeah Luce" Natsu was in a half asleep state fighting to stay awake.
"I have a bad feeling" she would always get 'bad feelings' whenever something was about to happen and Natsu trusted her instincts.
"What do you think it is?" He was beginning to feel a sting of concern but he knew no matter what happens he will forever be at her side.
"I don't know" Lucy's thoughts were getting the best of her and she curled closer to Natsu. She always felt safer in his arms.
"Luce I would never let anything happen you I promise. I'll kill whoever tries to do you harm" he said in a tired deep husky voice.
"Now don't get all fired up" she chuckled feeling better using his signature line.
"I'm always fired up when it comes to you" he smiled at the thoughts of the past "Now come on let's get some sleep" pulling the love of his life closer to his chest. Both of them told each other good night and fell into a deep sleep.


        "Fuck Luce are you trying to tease me" The young dragonslayer stated obviously. His eyes grew darker and an evil smirk appeared on his face. Lucy looked at him with a "I'm not impressed" look on her face.
"I'm trying to change but If you want I can go in the other room so I don't and I quote "tease you"" Lucy was not in the mood for games to say the least.
Natsu let out a huff of annoyance at Lucy's attitude. "Oh you're no fun" he said and plopped his head down on the bed. Lucy just ignored him and went about her business.
"Just had to go ruin my sexy lines now didn't you ?" Natsu's only mission of the day was to get a reaction out of the girl to whom bared his mark.
However given the situation, it was not the best time for Natsu to be up to his usual antics. "Natsu you know if you get us both riled up, we're not leaving this apartment today and we need to get things done" she said slipping on her boots at the front door. Although all he could do is smile to himself because he knew that the blonde mage was right.
"Okay Luce you win - wait for me I'm coming". Natsu hurried out the door for the first time.
   The walk to the guild was light and joyful but they both knew that hell was waiting for them as soon as they entered the gate.

     The guild was as lively as ever and there was no denying the anticipation in the air. Somehow things have once changed again but the light hearted atmosphere insured that it was for the best.

"Hey could you not!" A Ice mage yelled at certain blue feline. I'm aggravation he threw an ice ball that ever so happened to miss the target completely and slam right into the back of someone's head.

Grey was terrified at the sight of this distraction as a dark pissed off aura surround the area. "Grey" was all he heard before getting sent across the room by Fairy Tails #1 red head. Juvia rushes to his side screaming "GREY-SAMA MY DARLING".
A burst of laughter came from Elfman"He had it coming" he bellowed out as the doors of the guild opened and suddenly everything was swallowed in silence.
  Titania done with her squabble turned around to see what the commotion was about. When she laid her eyes on the pair she couldn't be more happy to see her friends once again.
  She felt guilty for her earlier transactions but she knew that wouldn't hold her back from giving them the biggest hug in the world. The other guild members except for a few join in to greet them back after what seemed for forever. "LETS DRINK AND CELEBRATE THEIR  RETURN" Makarov shouted with almost tears of joy as he saw the two together.
"Okay hand it over" Mira said behind the old man. "Fine! You win" he handed over the money to the white haired girl. "How did you know" Makarov questioned. He placed a bet that they would never get together due to how dense he believed the boy to be when it came to matters of the heart. "I have my ways" Mira giggled making sure not to tell any of her secrets.

Word count: 988

(shortest chapter ever)

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