(VIII) : Stay back

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Lucy came out of the infirmary to be met with worried faxes from across the guild. "NO ONE SLEEPS TONIGHT" A dominating voice proclaimed across the guild hall.
"WE MUST KEEP THEM SECURE UNTIL THIS IS OVER" Lucy knew that to be Erza's voice. However, she could not figure out why Erza was doing all of this. It may no sense in her mind whatsoever.
she made eye contact with the scarlet haired woman and something in her eyes had changed : determination. Lucy was on her very own mission and she would finish this mission at all costs.
"Lucy what are you doing up" Erza rushed up to Lucy to see how the fragile blonde was doing
" I'm going to Natsu and don't try and stop me" she said with a stern voice. "Lucy-" Erza began but she knew this was her choice and honestly felt guilty that she had tried to take it to begin with.
     Walking past the woman she found new strength within herself that she had not known to be there before. Lucy had never dreamed that she would be so upfront and confrontational with Erza. Slowly she inches towards the staircase that would take her to him


       He was on the verge of losing control again . He could no longer control his thoughts and his body seemed to have gained a mind of its own 'Take her' everyday the voice had grown stronger and Natsu was found it harder to control it or himself.
He knew he couldn't just spring this on her and he regretted not telling her about it sooner but he just could never bring himself to talk to her about it. The fear of losing not only his closest friend but losing the person he loved the most. Now due to that fear time was running out for him.

           The words he had said were ringing out like the roar of a plane engine. He couldn't hear anything over his own thoughts. Terror raced through his mind. In his entire life he has only experienced this feeling. One of those times was when Lucy was abducted by Phantom Lord     He could still smell the fear that admitted from her that day. Although he couldn't lie that it exhilarated him when she jumped from that building, the trust that she put into his calloused hands that were roughed up from the battles that had taken place not even hours before she found herself in his arms.
      He had been pushed off the edge.

But now he could no longer control himself. All thought went out of his mind and the world around him felt numb. Numb to everything except for her. His eyes shifted as he heard someone coming down the concrete stairs. He immediately recognized that it was her.

"Luucce- is that you" he voice seductively called out to her in a raspy tone. It caused her body to shiver but she had to see him. As she got closer to him he could smell another man was on, and that other man was Grey Fullbuster. He let out a menacing growl.

In his mind someone touched what was rightfully his and that he was willing at that moment to kill anyone who stood in his way. Given that he wasn't in the right mind but it was a scary thought nonetheless.

When Lucy looked into his cold eyes she couldn't fight back the tears anymore

The room was dark but she could still see the glowing red eyes that in cased her very spirit. Through her fear something called out to her, it beckoned and her closer. The heat that surrounded him was intoxicating like a Sauna or hot spring. She wanted more than just to be in that heat. She wanted to taste it.
However her fear at the moment controlled her. Knowing well that once she tasted that heat there would be no going back.

   "Stay back-" he was panting with sweat dripping down his face, "don't come any closer" he pleased with the girl in front of him. His brows arched when he squelched his face together trying to hold himself back, to hold his dragon back. The chains that surrounded him and held him up by the arms with begin to glow with the dragon fire that burned through Natsu. A loud growl sounded from him as a warning but she would not listen "Natsu-" she cried out with tears streaming down her face "what have you done to yourself" she inches closer to him. She made a promise to him that she intended to keep

"Luce- please stay back I don't want to hurt you" with a deep raspy voice he sounded more like a dragon than ever. She smiled through her fear as well as her tears as she approached him 

" you would never hurt me" with all of her heart she trusted him.
    "You don't know that" he said with with red pupils surrounded by black he looked at her. She noticed his beautiful yet terrifying horns that adorned his head. The way his scales would shine as he huffed out every breath.
    Although, the thing she found most interesting were his fangs. They had grown so long to where the settled on his lips.

His eyes grew wider and began to move against the chains as she grew to be mere inches away from him "I know you won't hurt me" she took his face in her hands and leaned closer.
    The chains rattled and clanked together in the fatal last attempts to struggle away from the source of his desire. 

"it's okay" she sweetly whispered before she planted her hips on his. The loud growl of approval that came from him intoxicated her.
  Their lips clashed together roughly, desperately. He wanted nothing more than to pull her closer and taste every part of her. The heat was licking at her skin and causing her to melt. She needed him as mush as he needed her.
   He had given him to himself and knew that he would no longer fight her or try to stay away from her. The thing he feared most Was that she would not love him back. However, that was not the case and his heart was saved.

      She pulled away from him slightly and whispered "I know everything". Between the kisses Natsu felt himself grow stronger as the passion builded between them. After a while they pulled apart panting and trying desperately to regain the air that they had lost.
"Lucy you really are kinky you must love seeing me in these chains" his smug voice only made his comment worse "seeing as to how
turned on you are" a chuckle escaped his lips and Lucy once more turned 50 shades of red.
"NATSU!" She yelled at him "you just had to ruin the moment didn't you" she laughed out the part. Lucy having more time to think rationally looked at the situation that they were in. "We need to get you out of here" she said with a smile on her face.
  One by one she undid  the chains and when Natsu was free the first thing he did was take her into his arms. She let out a high squeak due to her not expecting it and Natsu couldn't find it more adorable. 
   "Do you trust me" he asked her as he gazed into her eyes.
     "Yes" was all she could respond with because she wholeheartedly trusted him and with that he opened his wings. In a mere instant they had successfully crashed through the ceiling of the guild and were now in the night sky on their way to only God knows where.

Word count: 1294

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