(IX): Morning Light

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Note: I'm so sorry for the wait! I've been so busy lately it's unbelievable. I'll be doing my best to continue updating every other day!Please enjoy ♥️!

   The morning was oddly quiet in small apartment excluding the sounds of a snoring dragon slayer. The events of the night before had exhausted both Celestial mage and slayer. There was no doubt that Natsu would be our for a while. During the actual mating the dragon slayer uses a tremendous amount of magic to create the bond that is supposed to last more than a lifetime.
       However, the shinning of the morning sun couldn't be ignored as it peered through the windows of the apartment. Lucy groaned not wanting to be awake but it was already to late and she knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. She buried her head into Natsu's chest in a desperate attempt to escape the light that was peering through her windows.
'It's too early' she thought to herself in a whining tone. Her body felt more than exhausted and the pains all around her body didn't help anything. Her mind started to drift around in deep thought about just anything 'Does birth control even work for a mating season... could the magic null it'

'There's no way I'm ready to be a mother anytime soon. Not to mention it means I would have to pretty much quit going on jobs for a long time'

'The guild knowing doesn't bother me I just don't know if I'm in the mood to put up with teasing and I'm sure they will after what happened'

'Does this mean Natsu is moving in with me or vise versa- I don't know if I can handle living with Happy'

'Why didn't I even think about what would happen after - I just jumped into this without thinking of the actual future.....Although I know I don't regret my choice.... I'm just not good with change'

       Lucy was working herself up more and more as she dived deeper into thought and knew she had to do something to distract herself. Her thoughts of the future would just ignite the anxiety that dwelled within her. In fear of overthinking she decided to get up and occupy herself away from her own mind because overthinking is a very dangerous thing to do.
     Although there was a certain slayer that she didn't want to wake up, however, his arms were tightly wrapped around her. She had to devise a plan that would somehow keep him sleeping while she could escape.
First she wiggles around as to turn over so he would loosen his grip for a moment and after he did that she replaced herself with a pillow so he would still have something to hold onto. The sight of him snuggling the pillow like he was a toddler holding onto its most precious stuffed animal brought a smile to her face.
   She stood up and stretched she remembered some bath salts she had bought earlier in the week and knew a bath would be the best thing to relax and sooth her aches.
She turned around to look at her sleeping lover once more. His face was buried in pillows and at that moment she realized something 'and I'm still naked.....and the window is completely uncovered' that dawned on her. Her face went white when the woman across the street stared her down in horror. Lucy quietly wasted no time to shut the curtains blocking all view from the outside world. There was no doubt that she was yelling at herself mentally.  'That wasn't embarrassing at all'
     She tried to block whatever happened out of her Mind and just knew that she would send the lady an apology basket or something later on.
     With that she went on with her morning routine. She grabbed some clothes out of her drawers and proceeded to the bathroom. The cold tiles licked at her feet giving her goosebumps at the sudden cold. It had been a while since she had some time to herself to relax. She would take full advantage of this brief time.
The lights in the bathroom were turned off with candles lit around the tub and various places around the room. The smell of Vanilla and strawberries radiated from the candles and Lucy couldn't get enough of it. She poured the bath salts in and watched them dissolve in the water. After everything was prepared she slipped her body in warming waters and shut her eyes.
Slowly her aches and pains got better. The feeling of the water was magnificent on her skin making her never want to get out. After a good soak she reached for her shampoos and conditioners that her placed on the floor. If anyone was to ask her what her favorite thing was when it came to bathing was washing her hair hands down. The feeling of clean hair was the best thing in the world to her. In the moment she lightly wished that it wouldn't end.


       Unknown to the young mage her lover was beginning to wake up in the other room. Natsu's nose had unconsciously been bothering him since she left his arms. He awoke to the smell of vanilla and strawberries "Lucy" he muttered in his half awake daze. He didn't want to move much less open his eyes but his instincts told him that something was up and in that moment he noticed his beloved mate was not longer in his arms. An urge to be with her and touch her consumed him again and he was utterly confused by the feeling 'why don't I feel any different... I thought with the mating done these damn hormones would be gone'
Although he knew that Lucy must be in pain from the night before. He even felt guilty about how rough he was with her fragile body. In a completely random though from his mind he wondered 'is her body that fragile... no matter how many times an enemy knocks her down she always gets back up.. maybe because of how stubborn she is' with this Natsu let out a low quiet growl at the thought of someone hurting his mate but he would have to eventually accept it because of how much danger Lucy manages to put herself in and not to mention their line of work.

Natsu however did manage to pull himself out of bed to investigate where Lucy went but before he could even take a few steps his sensitive hearing picked up sounds from the bathroom. Knowing how Lucy would be he pulled on a pair of boxers. We wouldn't stroll around naked until she was completely comfortable with him. He understood that he had to give Lucy time to adjust. Over the years he's realized how Lucy accepts things on her own time and no one else's and even if they were mated didn't change the fact that she wasn't used to him in that way. Yes, he was dense at times but he made a promise to himself that he would be more considerate of her and try to understand her more.
    He made his way over to the bathroom and noticed the lights were off through the crack in the door.
"Hey Luce can I come in?" His voice rang out and lightly startled Lucy.
"Yeah" she didn't mind him seeing her naked anymore but she appreciated him actually asking for once.
  He made his way in and was surprised at all the candles and overall vibe that radiated throughout the room, "so that's where that smell was coming from" he softly laughed at how ridiculous she was.
"-but hey how are you feeling" he said as he made his way towards her. He could see all of the marks he had left all over her body and his guilt returned to his mind. A part of him loved seeing his marks on her but the other hated seeing her hurt in any shape or form so he knew he had to make it up to her.
"Other than my body feeling like it was ran over with a truck I'm fine" she smiled at how caring he was being for her.
His face lit up with a mischievous smile, "you know I could make you feel 100x better if you let me".
"And how do you plan on going about that" she said while pretty much knowing what he was up to.
"Let with join you and you'll find our" when he says this Lucy took this more as a challenge for an odd reason that she didn't fully know.
"Fine" Lucy said giggling a bit.

She made room for him in the bath and he slipped in behind her. He placed her more or less on top of him and grabbed her shoulders.
"Lean back" his words rolled off of him in a mellow tone.
He began massaging her back in deep circular motions. "Does that feel good?" Lucy just let out a sigh in approval. "Where does it hurt?" She responded to his question with pointing to various places.  He continued to run his hands around her body in efforts to make her feel better.  Then suddenly Lucy spoke "Natsu - what's going to happen between us and we need to talk about the changes that are going to be made" Natsu wasn't ready for her to say this because even he didn't know but he did know one thing; that he would do anything for her.
" I don't know but we will figure it out together - but we can talk about it after we're done here" he paused
"does that sound good?" Lucy smiled at his answer with a bit of relief "yeah that sounds fine.

Word count: 1639

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