(VI) : Dragon awakening

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      Lucy was still being held back by Grey in the main guild hall. Trembling at the sounds of screaming that was only a few feet below her. No matter how she looked at it she couldn't figure out what was happening. Seamlessly Grey caught onto this "Lucy please calm down it's okay" he said as he held her tightly trying to bring some comfort to her.
   Without a doubt Juvia was in some corner livid seeing her Grey-sama holding another women. Although she had a realization come over her and she could sense the pain and confusion radiating off of Lucy and If it wasn't for her sensing this, she would of done something already.
   Lucy's face was in tears crying into Grey's chest. She never did want anyone to see her cry but no matter how hard she tried she could never hold the tears back and her heart always got the best of her. Her best quality was to always be her oversized heart.
   "Lulu" a hand touched her back with warmth but Lucy couldn't feel anything. It felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest.
   Rationalization started to set in Lucy's mind.

'Why am I this upset- they haven't even hurt him'.

Lucy's eyes widened as the pain set into her body it ached all over and it felt like the all of her magic left her body. She felt numb and could no longer carry the weight of her own body. We begin to go numb in Grey's arms and her vision was now in a haze.
"What's wrong with me- I'm diz-" she couldn't even finish her sentence
"LUCY" Grey and Levy called out in unison and that was the last thing she heard before everything went black.


All she could feel was his hot lips pressed against her body. It was soothing to her.
"Lucy" a dark mysterious voice called out to her. She could of sworn she had heard this voice before. Although she could no put that voice to a face because she was still clouded in darkness as if her eyes were just simply shut.
   The hot trail of kisses went up to her throat
"Open your eyes" it was so captivating Lucy couldn't help but take a peek but she had no idea what she was getting herself into.
Her eyes were met with his red ones. As their eyes gazed into one another's his arms wrapped themselves possessively around her body.
Lucy just started wide eyed at him, she couldn't tell if it was real or not. Is this some kind of dream ? Was all she could think.
"Yes this is a dream but I am very real" Lucy looked away in shock not knowing what to do. Her eyes began to fill with tears but the one thing that she was sure of was that she was wasn't scared.
"Look at me" he raised his clawed hand up to her face. She winched and expected pain but it never came. Instead his warm gentle touch was all she got "I can't" she paused looking for her words "I can't look - you're not him - I don't know what you are" tears were falling from her eyes as she spoke.
"I am Natsu's inner dragon- just as I am him he is me" he said with a deep soothing voice.
His eyes and body were just like that of a dragon's except he also had some human features such as his overall body. Like the dragon form that Natsu has adopted

        His hand gently ushered her face to face his "Do not fear me" he paused "I would never hurt you" he nuzzled his face into her neck and took in a deep breath.
   "You are my mate" he said nuzzling deeper into her.
"What are you talking about" she said started. She tried to pull away to see his face but the beast wouldn't allow it.
"You are my mate - the one I will share the rest of eternity with" the beast let out a huff of air as if it was annoyed.
"How do I know you want hurt me" she said with a shaky voice " how is this even possible".
"It is possible because our souls are meant to be together and tell me" he paused "have you once felt that you were in danger around me" Lucy couldn't Believe what she was hearing. "No" was all she could answer with. 
"I will show you all that you need to know but you must submit to me" Lucy was never the submissive type generally but she got the feeling that in this way she is. It unnerved her that could so easily be dominated.
The beast then flipped Lucy onto her back but without causing her any pain. "Say it" he said as he hovered over her. Her hair laid beautifully around her face as If it were a halo and her big brown eyes couldn't of glowed brighter.
"What exactly do you want me to say" Lucy questioned. She truly believed that the beast wouldn't hurt it and showed through its actions how it adored her.
"That you give in to me and accept being my mate" his hot breath fanned over her seducing her. She loved the heat and could never get enough of it.
She loved Natsu but could she take this step, could she really be in for the rest of her life with him. They always had a weird chemistry but she could never imagine that she would be in this situation. Although a life without Natsu is a life not worth living in her eyes.
"I submit and accept you as my mate" as soon as the words left her lips their lips crashed together.
She could feel the images and knowledge flow through her. Everything in the universe made sense in all one moment. She was apart of it and it was apart of her.
She could feel it's fangs brushing against her lips and it only lit a fire within Lucy. But before she knew it the beast fangs had made their way to the crook of her neck.
"Mine" it let out a low growl "this will be my Psychological mark to you seeing as this is not physical" he said before he sunk his fangs into Lucy.
Lucy let out a loud scream of pain and pleasure. "This is goodbye for now - now go to him" he said as everything faded away.


Lucy's eyes fluttered open and she found herself in the infirmary inside of the guild. She slowly got up and everything that had happened came back to her. She was Natsu's mate and she could barely believe it.
  There was only one task on her mind 'get to Natsu' .

Sorry for the short chapter >> still feeling sick
Word count :1149

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