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chapter three
florence thompson
song: dancing with a stranger - sam smith & normani

    The lake house was straight out of a teen movie, but I don't know why I had expected anything less. I mean, I am here with Brandon Smith, one of the most wealthy men in Chicago.

    It was three stories tall, made from nothing less than the best wood, as Brandon so cockily put it as we all walked in. The house was surrounded by full, towering trees. It was situated right on the shoreline, connected directly to a patio that you could walk onto that leads to a dock.

    It was absolutely breathtaking and the moment I was told I could pick any room I wanted, you bet your bottom dollar that my ass found the third floor real quick. I tested out all eight beds on the floor, settling for the fourth door on the right. I dumped my duffel bag onto the floor and flung myself onto the large bed.

    The drive here was nearly insufferable and I was fairly positive Aria was was five minutes away from mauling Brandon in the front seat.

    Their mushy gushy talk made me mentally gag.

    I always had this preconceived idea that sugar daddies are old and gross and just happen to have money but Brandon Smith was a pretty fair example that I am completely wrong in that thought.

    Brandon Smith is 27 and owns his own corporation, making him the third richest man in the state of Illinois. He was the exact opposite of everything I ever thought made up a sugar daddy.

    When I watched him with Aria there were moments that I forgot the financial relationship they were actually engaging in and instead fed into the fantasy that they were in a committed, happy relationship.

    The thought made me curious, and suddenly I found myself wondering if Aria ever wanted something more from their relationship.

    Isn't it just simply in our nature as women, as humans, to want more? To crave more? More human connection and less paid companionship? Isn't it a natural thing to wish for more than what's in front of you?

    Something told me Aria was fairly content in their financial relationship, probably something to do with how giddy she was about life in general these past few months.

    I wondered idly if I could do that. If I could just shut off the part of me that hoped for more than just a credit card to swipe and just suck it up.

    "Hey! Party pooper, get up and get naked!" Aria's voice pulled me out of my daze and I propped myself onto my elbows, glancing back at Aria just in time to watch as she threw a yellow bikini my way.

    The cloth lamely hit me before falling to the bed.

    "Sounds like a threesome I don't want to be apart of," I mumbled more to myself than anyone else as I pushed myself up into a sitting position, grabbing the thin cloth.

    "Meet me downstairs when you're done, we're going to go swimming," she informed me before quickly turning on her heel and strutting off in her white bikini, her long, tan legs on display for the world.

    Thank you, captain obvious, I thought sarcastically.

    I quickly found the en-suite connected to my room and shimmied out of my clothes before slipping into the yellow bikini Aria had just thrown at me.

    It was more than what I usually went for but so is this whole trip.

    By the time I made it down stairs I heard a third voice contributing to their conversation and my interest piqued as I slowly rounded the corner into the kitchen. There stood a man around Brandon's age, maybe a little older as he talked back and forth between Aria and Brandon.

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