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chapter thirty
florence thompson
song: just a little bit of your heart - ariana grande

"So, Miss Thompson, why do you think you'd be a good fit for this position? After reviewing your work history, I have to say, you aren't particularly the most qualified," Mr. Vanderbilt, or Sebastian rather, asked, tapping the end of his pen against his chin lightly as his eyes skimmed a paper in front of him.

After our light banter and aimless chatter about nothing in particular over the last half hour, I found myself suddenly a little freaked out about the idea of having the prove my worthiness to him as an employer.

"Well," I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders and straightening my posture, "I think I'd be a good fit because I'm a very organized person. I like it when things are in order and I think I'd make a great PA because of this. I can keep everything where it needs to be and make sure all your appointments and such are in order."

I nearly facepalmed myself at my response.

He isn't looking for a maid, Flo.

Sebastian nodded slowly, seemingly thinking over what I'd just said. He glanced back down to the paper on his desk, flipping it over and skimming through before returning his gaze back up to me across from him.

"I see here that you're only 20 years old. Do you think your age is going to help or hinder you in this industry?" He asked, tilting his head curiously at me.

"Well," I began, speaking before I even had a solid answer in mind. "I think it'll help me. I'm not into the same scene as most people my age, so I think having my priorities straight at a young age will certainly help me. I'll be more ready to work, and to give my all into everything I do."

He gave me the same slow nod, only making my nerves go into a further frenzy.

"I think I have all I need for today, Florence," he announced after closing the folder in front of him and facing me once more. "Come, I'll walk you out." He smiled, standing to his feet and rounding the desk for me.

Eyes wide, I did my best to quickly push myself to my feet and follow him. I hadn't expected the interview to end so abruptly, and for some reason, it was leaving me with quite an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

I tanked it.

I followed Sebastian all the way back to the room I had been waiting in earlier where he walked me to the elevator, pressing the button and waiting momentarily before the doors slid open to reveal an empty space.

He motioned towards it before stepping back for me to walk through. I flashed him a tight smile, clutching the strap of my purse as I walked into the elevator and turned back around to face him. He was watching me closely, a small smile on his lips.

"It was a pleasure meeting again, Miss Thompson," he spoke, his hand pressed against the side of the door so they couldn't slide shut.

"It was. Thank you for the opportunity," I returned his kind smile, hoping that maybe I could still win him over.

While the thought of working here practically terrified me, the thought of my current yearly income terrified me further. If I have the opportunity to make a comfortable living, I should pursue that.

"Anytime, Florence," he smiled, his eyes crinkling with the action. He released the door, shoving his hands into his pockets and watching me. "Drive safe." With that, the doors slid shut and I was alone in the elevator.

For some reason as soon as the doors were closed, I found it immediately easier to breathe. I felt like a weight had been lifted off of me, freeing me. I closed my eyes, drawing in deep breaths and releasing them steadily.

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