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chapter thirty one
florence thompson
song: say my name - destiny's child

"Ben, you seriously have the shittiest taste in ice cream," Rico groaned loudly from the opposite side of the kitchen where he was currently rummaging through Ben's freezer, searching for something to snack on.

Ben scoffed from the living room. "Vanilla ice cream is the best, don't even try me on that. It's just facts," he yelled back, sounding as if he had a mouth full of food.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them from where I was currently sat on the counter, ankles crossed as Rico and I were just talking about work and the new employees that Glenn had recently hired. Spoiler alert: We weren't too impressed.

Thankfully today Ben, Rico and I all got the night off along with Aria so we all decided to have an old fashioned sleepover at Ben's. I had been looking forward to tonight since we made the plans yesterday morning, my busy thoughts needing an excuse to stop overthinking every single thing and punishing myself for something I don't even know if I should be punishing myself for.

"Who even buys vanilla? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard..." Rico whispered, trailing off as he closed the freezer, grabbing a spoon and pulling off the lid of the vanilla ice cream he was forced to eat.

I nodded, agreeing silently with him.

"Ready to go watch the movie?" He asked through a mouthful of ice cream, nodding in the direction of Ben's living room.

I quickly jumped down from the counter, padding across the tile in my fuzzy socks as we made our way into the living room where Ben and Aria were currently sitting, scrolling through their phones. I rolled my eyes at the sight, wondering when the two of them would ever stop being so weird around one another.

Don't get me wrong, they're pretty comfortable together and when we're all together they act like close friends but as soon as the two of them are forced to be in a room alone together suddenly their phones are the most interesting thing.

"What are we watching?" I asked, snagging a piece of popcorn from the bowl sat next to Ben and plopping down on the ridiculously large couch.

"Aria wanted to watch Miss Bala," he commented, putting his phone to sleep and placing it next to him as he looked over to me.

I glanced at Rico.

"We've already seen it, next," he sassed in a teasing manner, a playful smile on his lips.

"What?" Aria asked, furrowing her brows as she finally tore her attention off of her phone. "Was it good?"

Her blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, tendrils left down to frame her face. She was sporting an oversized college t-shirt that was presumably Brandon's and cloth pajama shorts.

"So good," I gushed through a mouthful of popcorn, glancing over to her where she was seated a little ways away from me.

"How about we watch Someone Great on Netflix?" Aria suggested, Rico and I immediately agreeing since Gina Rodriguez is quite honestly our favorite actress ever.

"Sounds good to me," Ben shrugged, tossing a single piece of popcorn into the air and catching it skillfully with his mouth.

Rico nodded, plopping a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth before grabbing the remote and going to search for the movie.

"So, Rico," Aria began, putting her phone to sleep and giving him her undivided attention to which his ears nearly perked. "How was Nathan?" She asked, clearly amused with herself.

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