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chapter fifty two
florence thompson
song: never really over - katy perry

I texted Vincent during my break to tell him I would meet him, but only under one condition; we go to dine at Andy's instead of his home. I couldn't stand the thought of being back in there right now, the thought was just too sour, but I wouldn't tell him that.

He agreed, but didn't say much more after that. I decided that I would focus on my work and not a familiar gaze that I had been trying to desperately to scrub my memory of, especially after Glenn and I's chat.

Needless to say it was less why are you chatting on the job and more since when did Little FloFlo talk to boys?

So. Mortifying.

After work I didn't even have enough time to go home and change before meeting Vincent at Andy's since we'd been kept a little later than usual due to an unexpected rush, and I decided I would just go in my uniform. It's not like I need to impress him or anything.

So, with my wavy blonde hair tied up into a messy bun, tendrils escaping to frame my face, and my white uniform dress that had a pink collar and cuffs on the short sleeves, I decided to call it good and head over to Andy's.

When I showed up less than ten minutes later, Vincent's car was already parked in front of the small, cozy diner and I parked next to his vehicle before quickly slipping out of it and slamming the door. I headed inside, pocketing my keys into the front pockets of my uniform.

Upon arrival, Andy didn't greet me boisterously like he had last time, in fact he didn't greet me at all. He probably had the day off or something, which I didn't mind all too much since I knew I would've gotten a whole lot of hell from Andy about being with two completely different men in the span of two weeks.

I immediately spotted Vincent since he stuck out like a metal head at church, in his pressed suit and air to him that screamed he should be at a fancy five star instead of this cozy diner.

I slipped into the opposite side of the booth, immediately grabbing his attention that had been focused on the phone in his hands only moments before. He looked over my warm face and work uniform, raising his brows slightly.

"You didn't have to dress up on my behalf, really," he teased, his pink lips tugging into a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ha-ha," I said humorlessly. "I got held back at work and didn't have time to change. Anyway, isn't there something you wanted to talk about, a proposition of sorts?" I asked, looking at him expectantly.

"I do, I do," he admitted, reaching a hand up to run through his dark hair. He released a sigh, looking mildly reluctant to tell me what exactly he was onto.

"Well, spit it out, De Bellis," I sighed, leaning back against the booth with my arms crossed loosely over my chest.

After a moment of hesitation, he finally spoke up. "I have a lot of things to tell you, right? Why I reacted the way I did when I saw you that night, at my birthday party-,"

"Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thank you." He smiled softly at me. "So, I want to tell you all those things and lay them on the table for you, but I figured I could at least make it up to you while I do. I want to take you away this weekend," he finally explained, his gaze serious as he looked at me.

After a long, silent moment of us just looking at each other, I let out a string of laughter, throwing my head back.

"What-Why are you laughing?" He asked, completely confused as he watched me.

I sobered up after a moment, shaking my head as the ghost of a chuckle left my lips.

"That's completely ludicrous, and I have to work this weekend. I really don't have time for this," I lied straight through my teeth, this was actually the first weekend I had completely off in months thanks to Glenn making Ben train a newbie.

"False. I already asked Aria, she already told me you have the weekend off," he informed me, a devious grin lining his lips.

I stared, dumbstruck.

Why are my friends always meddling?

"Whose side is she on?"

"So, all I ask is that you come with me and I'll explain everything. I feel terrible for how I've treated you, Florence, I want to make it up to you," he sighed, tilting his head slightly.

I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment.

"Where are we going?" I asked reluctantly.

"So you'll come?" He asked, teetering towards a shocked tone.

"That's not an answer to my question," I pointed out, raising a brow at him.

"I have a cabin on the lake, I'd like to take you out there for the weekend and we can figure everything out. Away from everything, just you, me, and nature," he reasoned, looking more sincere than I was expecting.

I furrowed my brows.

"Sounds like you're going to murder me," I spoke slowly, narrowing my eyes at him.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Aria knows that I asked about your schedule, how is that going to work?" He joked.

"I don't know, it seems like at this point she'd be in on that too," I muttered, joking.

"So, will you come?" He asked, leaning forward onto his elbows as he watched me expectantly.

I looked at him for a long while, his eyes so blue and bright except the small patch of brown that I've come to love far more than I should. His hair messily tousled, his lazy grin lingering on his pink lips. As I gazed over his face, remembering the feeling of running the pads of my fingers over his skin, or the way his lips pressed against mine that night at the motel, I was completely dumbstruck.

I knew wholeheartedly that this was going to hurt me again, and yet, I reached out and willingly grasped the fire with my bare hands, just like every other time.

"Yes," I muttered.

Except this time was different.

I decided this time would be the last.

• • •

q: most admirable celebrity??

q: most admirable celebrity??

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