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chapter twenty two
florence thompson
song: grace – lewis capaldi

By the time that Ben dropped me off to my apartment it was 10:40 and I had enough time to pack an overnight bag before a polite knock echoed through my apartment. I quickly grabbed my belongings before dashing towards the door, yanking it open to come face to face with a passive Darby.

His graying hair was neatly gelled back like the last time I'd met him, wearing a black suit that looked quite expensive to match the Rolex on his wrist.

"Good evening, Miss Thompson. I've been sent to accompany you to Mr. De Bellis' penthouse," he spoke politely, not a single beat off.

I nodded softly, hoisting my overnight bag further onto my shoulder and gripping my keys in my hand. He stood to the side, allowing me to walk out into the night once more and closing my door behind me, locking it with keys before following Darby down to his black SUV.

He politely opened the back door for me, motioning for me to get in.

I put my bag in before climbing up into the vehicle.

"Thank you," I managed to get out before he shut the door and climbed into the drivers seat.

The car ride to Vincent's was completely silent between the two of us, the only sound to be heard was the low hum of the radio that was playing jazz music. I watched as we exited Genevieve Springs, nearing closer to Chicago as the tree's became buildings with bright lights.

We passed a bright skyline, the lights of the buildings reflecting off of the serene water as it began to sprinkle outside. I tilted my head, my forehead resting against the cold glass window as we continued to drive by the seemingly never ending skyline.

It's so odd to think about all the lives bustling so steadily around us and yet we think we're the only ones who feel this way. In each of those buildings is bunches of people going about their lives, dealing with pain and love and everything in between.

I closed my eyes, listening to the hum of the music and pushing out any other thoughts that were swarming in my mind.

For the first time since I met Vincent, I didn't have a festering feeling of anxiety in my stomach at the thought of seeing him in front of me in only a matter of minutes. I was calm, my heart beating steadily in my chest, my pulse thudding evenly.

We finally pulled up to Vincent's apartment complex, by this time the rain had gone from a sprinkle to a downpour, loudly pelting the pavement as Darby pulled up to the front doors to let me out.

"Just let me run in and I'll be right back with an umbrella, Miss Thompson," Darby spoke, beginning to unbuckle himself and grip the door handle.

"Don't worry about it, Darby," I smiled at him in the rearview mirror. "I promise, I won't melt," I joked, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

"Are you sure, Miss Thompson?" He asked, furrowing his brows as he glanced at me in the mirror. The only sound to be heard was the pelting of the rain outside.

"Positive," I confirmed, nodding once.

With a weary look he slipped out of his side, slamming his own door before opening my door and helping me out of the SUV. I clambered out of the vehicle, my shoes hitting the wet pavement and immediately getting soaked in the pouring rain. I let out a laugh.

"I'm going to go park the car, but Mr. De Bellis should be waiting for you," he assured me, closing my door.

I nodded, not bothering to yell to him over the sound of the rain and instead shot him a grateful smile before rounding the car and jogging into shelter where the rain couldn't pelt my skin any longer. By the time that I made it into the building I was nearly soaked from head to toe, my hair matted to my face and water falling from my chin down to my collarbones which were already coated in a thin layer of water.

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