A Requiem

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Sinking into this dark abyss
It's what I've always known
A kingdom of darkness and despair
With me perched on the throne

It's like I've forgotten what cold is
Or maybe I don't know anything else
Just searching for a single memory
In this void, empty shell

But the light has never been here
Nor have been the faith and hope
So all I ask for, is your light
To see the path when we elope

But it isn't always easy to give
And I never said it was
To light a flame of hope
In my tear streaked straws

Don't worry, I don't blame you
For giving up on this darkness too
I know the things I do and speak about
May not make sense to you

Just know light hasn't visited me for years
Maybe I'm the one it hates
So here I sit on my cold throne
And do nothing else but wait....

– Diya P.

Atlantis ~ The Memento Mei SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora