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I was happy, thrilled even. School had just let out, Jen and the girls were meeting for coffee at the local cafe. Not even the slight drizzling of rain could dampen my mood. And so it was with a crooked grin that I fought through the crowded halls and out into the parking lot. A familiar head of short black hair caught my gaze and I watched as Jen slid into her bright red mustang and sped out of the lot. That jerk! She didn't even wait for me to get to my car! With renewed energy I raced to my car. It was an old clunker, but I loved it. The paint was faded and rusted in a few places but the bug still had her original blue paint. Yes I drove an old two seater Volkswagen bug.

I fell onto the familiar old seats and breathed in the minty smell of my cars interior. But my happiness soon faded.....the car wouldn't start. Every time I turned the key my engine made an awful groaning noise. "No! No, no, no!" I cursed, banging my fist against the wheel. I tried to start my car for a good twenty or so minutes before I gave up. I glanced around the parking lot in vain, looking for anyone I knew. The lot was void of life, completely empty. Except for one car, a shiny black BMW. The windows were extremely tinted and just looking at the car gave me the feeling of being watched.

I pulled out my phone and tried to call my mom, but on the third ring my phone made a strange crackle and shut off. I nearly screamed in frustration, first my car and now my phone! With a string of curses I removed myself from my car and proceed to get soaked. The rain is pouring now and a cold chill is in the air.

"Just suck it up Aspen, a little water won't kill you! Get it together and get home." I snapped at myself, forcing my way out of self pity. I sped towards the exit, splashing in the puddles along the way. It's not like I wasn't already sopping wet. My hair was dripping and the long brown tendrils were plastered to my back. The sound of tires screeching has me jumping to the side as a wave of dirty water splashes over me. "Thanks, Asshole!" I snarl, flipping off the black car.

With much less enthusiasm I resume walking home. It is slow going as I live on the other side of town. And the shortcut consists of many alleys that are built like a labyrinth. It would be quite stupid for a seventeen year-old girl in a white shirt, which is now clear due to the water to make her way through a series of dank alleys. So I make the turn into the warehouse district. The rain is lightening up and I sigh out my relief.

My friends probably assumed I ditched them, oh if only that were the case. A loud wolf whistle has me turning around abruptly, seeing a skinny blue haired boy behind me. "Aren't you a hot piece of-" He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence, I sent my fist into his face.

"Piss off, jerk!" I hiss, shooting him a glare cold enough to freeze hell. With raised hands he backs away, eyes wide with shock. Once he's a few feet away he turns and practically runs away.

I let out an angry huff and turn back to go home. I've almost passed the last warehouse when I hear loud sobs. I'm tempted to walk away quickly but I can't bring myself to just leave. So throwing caution to the wind I follow the sound of the crying. The source is a small boy about five, with black hair and blue eyes. He's adorable even with snot covering his face.

"Whats wrong, sweetie?" I ask, reaching out to touch his arm. He flinches back with a shriek. "Whoa, I'm not going to hurt you. It's okay." I say calmly, taking a step away from the small child.

"I'm lost!" The little boy wails, before flinging himself at me. With a glance around I see no one. "It's okay, I'll take you home honey." I say, and instantly he brightens. Tightening his grip around my legs. After removing him from my legs I take hold of his hand and he leads the way.

"My name's Christian, what's yours?" He asks curiously, his eyes glancing up innocently. "I'm Aspen." I reply, just as I realize the little boy has led me to an obviously abandoned building. Before I can move, the door is opened and I'm yanked inside. That traitor! The little boy set me up, he was bait! I scream, kick, hit and fight with everything I have. But it is too dark for me to see anything except for the distinct flash of metal in the darkness. Fear weakens me and I'm yanked around. I feel something coarse wrap around my wrists and hear duck tape rip. Once restrained and duck taped a soft piece of cloth is tied around my eyes, blinding me.

Yet, even though I'm tied up I'm still struggling. Wriggling around and swinging my bound wrists wildly. I connect with something hard and fleshy and hear a moan of pain. But before I can hit again I'm picked up and thrown over a shoulder, roughly. I gasp in pain, tears welling in my golden eyes. I'm still screeching even with the duck tape over my mouth, but only muffled squeals escape. As the person holding me walks, The blindfold slips. I catch a flash of black before the blindfold is deftly righted.

I'll never forget that flash of black paint. Even when I'm dropped onto the backseat I fight to get out. Light explodes in my head as pain is suddenly all I feel, it's so encompassing that I don't even fight the darkness washing over me and dragging me under. All I know is the black BMW...then unconsciousness.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now